RIGHT! I'll take you through yesterday now....
Yesterday Ben and I got dressed and drove to Gloucester to take a look at the cathedral where Harry Potter was filmed. FAIL. We drove all the way there to find out that it was closed that day for a private charter school feild trip. What a crock! So, we decided to go to a few toy shops to see if we could find 'Top Trumps' a card game with cars as seen on Top Gear.....FAIL AGAIN! We couldn't find any original decks of that anywhere.
So...we just went home....sad and unsuccessful. It was kinda a downer of a day because of that....
Then we just muttled around until we had to go pick up Vid from the train station. Robert Vidler--AWESOME. This kid is a theatre person like me, talks alot like me, he's FUNNY just about every time he opens his mouth and here's the kicker...He's bloody Irish! Well technically he's lost his accent since living in England in different places, so his accent now is a bit jumbled but I like it. I can tell some irish coming through sometimes and it makes me happy inside.
ANYWAY! So Me and Ben pick up VId from the train station, then we pick up another friend of Ben's (Josh) and go to the supermarket to get supplies before the party. By the time we got to the party people had already set up tents in Issy's back yard(to sleep over in) and were mingling. So, Vid, Ben and I set up the tent and went and joined the party. We got there about 8ish, so keep that in mind.
Overall the party was a good one, as far as I could tell. There was one thing that kept me down throughout the night...Emalie was there. It's not so bad talking about her, but being at a party with Ben's One true love of his life...is a BIT awkward. So I stayed clear of her and never got into an awkward situation with her....which means I didn't see much of Ben either because he was usually with her or near her talking to someone else. :(
Vid and DMAN kept me entertained though. DMAN and I talked about girl and guy problems (him with his girlfriend, me with my dislike of being at the same party as Emalie). Vid just kept me laughing all night and I talked with him about serious stuff, funny stuff, shakespeare stuff. Vid got done doing his final monologue performances for one of his classes so we went out on the front lawn at one point (where no one was) so he could show me his Lysander monologue from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. He's no Victor Trevino, but he would do.
I mostly hung out with Vid the whole night, then DMAN, then talked to some new people, then saw Russ(ben) occasionally. It was quite good fun although I did have some emo moments.
I won't get too into details because what happens at the party generally stays at the party because no one else knows what you're talking about but here are some of the highlights:
-Football....we played 'soccer/football' on Issy's front lawn while it was still light outside. It was basically me...and all guys. AWESOMENESS. I was in Goal and I was blocking shots left and right, sliding, diving, checking people while going for the ball as well hahaha. I dove into this one guy's legs to kick the ball from under him...then I hit russ in the head with my hand while swatting the ball away from the goal when he tried to do a header...and then of course there was the time that I slid into Ben's ankles, grasped his legs and the ball so neither went anywhere(my shins still hate me for that one). Needless to say the guys were impresses (and scared) at what a girl can do on the football pitch.
other highlights include....
-Watching Ben, DMAN and Vid sing.
-Witnessing 2 people jumping on a half broken trampoline and collapsing it.
-Hearing about Steve who A) Pissed himself even when led to the toilets and B) got a surprise haircut(DMAN shaved a small patch of his head in the middle of the night)
-Hearing Ben quote Bill & Ted lines from outside the tent
-Me getting completely smashed and throwing up (yeah...now I'm never drinking again. lesson learned and don't you DARE fucking say 'i told you so')
-Seeing Ben and Josh climb the roof, then Ben jumping OFF said roof and rolling on the grass to stop himself from going anywhere
-Hanging out with Vid and talking about Shakespeare and accents and stuff.
Now here's my own set of what happened through my night:
Talked to people....avoided Russ and Emalie like the plague.
Talked to DMAN about his girlfriend and 'You Ain't Going NOWHERE!' ringtones (inside joke)
Talked to more people
Played Football...and got one leg injury and a somewhat bloody nose
Attended to wounds.
Talk to people in a group that Vid and Dman were at.....Vid told me that personality wise I'm the hottest girl at the party. Looks wise...I was about 3rd--which isn't bad considering there were alot of girls.
Went over gave russ a hug
Back to Vid and Dman's group to talk
(all this while after the game drinking)
Saw Ben again.
Walked out to where the cars were parked and found Dman and Vid chatting in Dman's car.
Talking in car with them...then we all went to find Ben.
Talked to just Vid Dman and Ben.
Dragged Vid out to front lawn to hear his monologues.
Sat with Vid talking on front lawn.
Dman and Ben found us.....Ben left (DMAN said Ben was jealous that I was out alone with Vid so that's why they came out there to find us).
Went back to the party...hugged/kissed Ben....had another Scrumpy Jack.
Went BACK onto the front lawn to talk with DMAN.
Threw up.
Ben and Vid found us. They walked me back to the party.
Ben tucked me into bed and told me to stay there and he's come in after a while.
I was cold...and alone....cried alot because I was the first one in bed and I wanted to join the party but I didn't want to move and upset my stomach.
Ben came in to check on me after a bit....I told him to send DMAN or Vid in to talk to me cause I can't go to sleep and I wanted someone to talk to.
After a while Vid came in.
We talked and stuff. We exchanged accents, tried each others and new ones. He likes the Irish I do because it's the southern Ireland one he can't bring himself to do.
I lay in bed listening to people talk.
I get up about 4am and joing Ben and Chris outside who are still talking, listing to music and drinking.
I'm all upset with Ben cause he still hasn't come to bed...but I stay out there anyway.
Eventually I go to bed again, for reals this time....and a short while later Ben comes in to join me.
It is now 7am and FULLY bright outside. stayed up all night....and finally slept from about 7am until half 11am.
Woke up....Ben got some coffee....I talked with Vid a bit more. All three of us took down the tent, packed then drove Vid to the train station.
When Ben and I got home, I put a load of clothes in, ate something then cuddled up next to Ben in his bed and feel asleep. now....I'm just waiting to kill some time before for dinner. Evidnetally we're going out with Ben's parents because it's our last night in Hereford with them. But I'll tell you all about that tomorrow.