After that we came back home for breakfast then went out in the garden and played with Tony, Tilly and Lock. Tony wanted to ride his bike around, so we let him….James kept a close eye out for him and he didn’t fall. Tilly and Lock were play fighting It was interesting and cute.
ANYWAY! On to Puzzlewood. Puzzlewood is part of the Forest of Dean which is this HUGE forest in and around Ross, and other towns in this region; Puzzlewood is just a commercial part of the Forest of Dean that has paths and stair cases and bridges….it’s quite cool. Pictures below. Anyway, besides the fact that I LOVE pathways and forests (and the fact that it was snowing and we thought it’d be gorgeous to walk through today), we went to Puzzlewood because it’s featured in things we know of: J.K. Rowling got some inspiration for the Harry Potter books here, so did J.R. Tolken for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy(actually spent a bit of time writing it in this part of the Forest of Dean), AND, my absolute favorite bit. An episode of Doctor Who was filmed here. There’s a bit in the 5th series, “Flesh and Stone”, where Amy Pond is sitting on a rock in a forest with her eyes closed and the doctor comes up to her and tells her, “Amy. Listen to me. No matter what, doesn’t open your eyes…”
At puzzle wood there was a bunch of animals too. There were goats, cows, chickens, ponys, donkeys, a pig and two small kitty cats who LOOOOOOOVE attention. One of the kitties we found in the barn with all the other animals and the other one met and then followed us inside the forest for about a good 20 minutes. The snow on the ground and all around was absolutely breathtaking. It was like walking through a winter wonderland.