Yesterday was the big trip to Cardiff.....Yeaaaah, Cardiff is a shithole just like LA, except a tad cleaner. Here's how the day went:
Got up late (bad Jenny). Ben seemed grumpy and stressed (still). Some idiot lorry driver almost flattened us (Ben was overtaking and the guy tries moving into that lane almost crashing into us in the process). Ben wasn't too thrilled about this trip because A) it's Cardiff--bad city B) Dr. Who isn't his thing and I wanted to go to the Exhibit in Cardiff and C)Just another trip he doesn't want to take basically(petrol expenses, tour tickets, driving, etc). We got lost on our way into Cardiff because Ben's Sat Nav doesn't work without a Sat signal and we kept losing signal in Cardiff cause it's a shitty city.
We finally find out way around and go to the Doctor Who Exhibit. I paid for both mine and Ben's tickets (I figured I'd pay for his tickets since he wouldn't let me pay for petrol when we stopped for it on the way to Cardiff). We wandered around, I took pictures and video. There were a bunch of little kids there and I could tell Ben felt uncomfortable for the fact that it's Doctor Who and for the fact that you really couldn't tell the difference between the kids' excitement and mine. :P The exhibit was REALLY short. And we only went through it once so Ben wouldn't suffer TOO much. So, that was a bit disappointing but at least I got some pictures out of it.

After that we went to the Bay Area. I took pictures and filmed this plaza thing right by the bay. This location was used several times in Torchwood and Doctor Who and I could tell which bits were filmed where,....hence why I took picture and video.

Then we went down to the actual bay....yeah nothing really too exciting or beautiful to comment on there. it was just ordinary. There weren't even lots of boats or anything like a Harbor to keep my interest for very long. But I took a picture anyway. It was really bright out there so I'm not sure if the pictures will register well.

We went to a Japanese resturant in the bay after that. Ben had a 2 for 1 meal ticket from when he went to Birmingham for a gig or something. At that point (walking and talking from the bay to the resturaunt) I got a little fed up with Ben. Because he was grumpy, I got grumpy amoong other things (sometimes I wonder if he's emotionally retarded and just can't show emotion and be normal like most other guys are. He just kinda pulls faces and that it...urg anyway, that's a story for another time).
The food was good and nice sized portions as well. we could also see the bay from outside the window because we were on the second floor.

After lunch we walked about 2 miles up to through Cardiff's City Centre to go to Cardiff Castle. Now take into consideration it got to Hot California type weather so we were dying while walking in the hot sun, but finally we made it.
Again I paid for Ben's ticket as well as mine into the Castle.....but unfortunately the Castle was the crappest Castle. It didn't even LOOK real. It looked like a Sodding THEME PARK of a castle. I decided to give it a chance, but after about 20 minutes of walking along the battlements and underground in the 'halls' of the 'castle' I decided I had enough. The only REAL Castle bits of the 'castle', ya know the one's the looked authentic, we couldn't even enjoy because they were blocked off. DUDE! I understand that castles are rooting and unsafe because they thousands of years old but, COME ON! Castles should look like Castles, not plastered walls painted to look like castle -colbestone-esque. It was complete bullshit and I felt ripped off.

(Jenny Cries cause she can't get into the real castle which is bared off)

And on some of the grounds there was still construction going on, like MAJOR work. That this bit for example:

Ben did make me laugh though...he said something along the lines of 'They had to upgrade the horses into Quads'. hehe that bit made me smile, but still. Shitty Castle. So we walked 10 minutes back to the entrance where we bought the tickets, filled out the survey they gave us when we entered. Gave our honest opinion about how we 'enjoined' our visit to the Castle and went to the ticket booth lady.
I asked if there was any kind of refund policy because we hadn't been in there an hour and we were completely unsatisfied. She took a look at our tickets and said 'no, you're been in there half an hour. if you were in there 5 minutes took one look and said you didn't like it, then maybe. But since you were in there 30 minutes, no'. I said 'okay' and just walked away muttering profanities.
Honestly it's bullshit. Honestly, we had to walk a ways to get inside that place to find out it was shit and then you have to walk about a ways to get OUT of it as far as I could tell I was there 5 minutes(of actually seeing it) and I deserve a refund. Fuck Cardiff Castle. It's a blatant bullshit ripoff. (Sorry for the excessive swearing mother). Overall, as Ben put it, Cardiff Castle is a pile of wank.
Needless to say, we left. Then we went into the shopping part of the Center of the City because Ben had to find a birthday shop to buy a friend of his a birthday card cause he's ditching me for a party Thursday night. I feel kind of jealous that he has a party to go to and I'm missing out on all the wonderful bashes at home, but he has a life and I have respect that. Part of me thinks he's ashamed of me too, but again that's another story.
We walked through the City Centre and I found this store:

I didn't go in but I found it interesting so I took a picture of it. I would assume it's like the Santa Clarita's Dollar Tree...except it's British so Pounds, yeah....*shrugs* i don't know. it seemed cool.
After we got the card we wanted to go straight back to the car and get the hell out of crappy Cardiff. But we got lost. It was already a long way to walk, but we ended up walking in circles
(with lovely scenary like this to cheer us up:)

until we FINALLY found our way back to the parking lot by the Doctor Who Exhibit that we parked at.
About the only good thing that happened perfectly today was free parking. You have to pay for parking EVERYWHERE in the UK, so when we found out that the Doctor Who Exhibit gave all their customers free parking for the WHOLE day (validated when you paid for entry ticket, but lasts all day) it was a sodding miracle.
Drove back to Hennor(no idiots--well MAJOR idiots--on the road), then jumped in the pool to cool off. Overall the day was disappointing, but another adventure for JMAC.....