When last we left our young Jenny Mac......
I was all sad and nostalgic over the whole leaving England and leaving Ben(the...semi boyfriend, but treated me like a friend...boy, who's a friend...anyways). Since then here are the highlights:
1. Got a message from Robert James Vidler(and since then has spoken to him every day since, getting to know him and such as a friend).
2. Got dumped by Ben via facebook relationship status.
3. Quarreled with Ben, alot. Then, met boys and did the whole rebound thing here in California.
4. Started seeing Robert James Vidler in a 'more than just friends' sort of way
5. Got a car--a hot little 1999 Ford Mustang, Red and fast. 
6. THEN got lisence to drive said car, which I named Vera(from the TV show Firefly). PS. got my liscense on Sept 9th, 2009--that's right 9-9-09 :)
6. THEN got lisence to drive said car, which I named Vera(from the TV show Firefly). PS. got my liscense on Sept 9th, 2009--that's right 9-9-09 :)
7. Went to a Blink 182/Weezer concert with my friend Wes....it was awesome!
8. Saw Alan Cumming perform his solo show...I was literally >10 ft away from him *joygasm!*
9. Robert james Vidler, through our correspondence expresses his mutual interest in me....and we' make plans for him to come visit me in California.
10. The Major Holidays rushed by....Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years
11. Robert James Vidler came to visit me. We admitted that we've been smitten with each other since Issy's party back in England so long ago. WE BECOME OFFIALLY IN A RELATIONSHIP. He met my mom, dad. both of my brothers living in California, and their families--all of whom approve of him. We tour California, I take him places, we see fun things, we live together happily (and sometimes unhappily, but still stay true), etc etc. We promise that when he leaves, we'll still be together and we'll make the long distance thing work. THings get serious for a while and we know that even though we've only been 'together' for such a short time, we've been commited to each other by months and months of skyping, phone conversations, and facebook messages wanting to get to know each other...the only fashioned way, without physicalities.

12. James (my nickname for him, since it's his middle name and no one calls him that) leaves :(. I fucking cry for 2 days straight, then skype with him on Valentines day. All is right with the world again.
12. James (my nickname for him, since it's his middle name and no one calls him that) leaves :(. I fucking cry for 2 days straight, then skype with him on Valentines day. All is right with the world again.
13. March....April....May...June...months go by and James and I still talk every day via either skype or phone....until I'm in on a cruise with my family where i can only make calls when we're in port.
14. June--I went on a cruise with my whole family, minus the niece and nephew :( from Seattle to Alaska, to Canada and back to Seattle. It was a great experience and a wonderful journey, but I did miss being able to talk to James every day. In the end, we both got through it with only 3 short phone calls. Even though Iwas in a new plac, I was happiest when I was talking to him.
15. July...August....September... The days go by, and I fill them with Rehearsals, hanging out with new friends, improv shows, adventures, parties, drinking, laughing, hanging out....all good times, that make time fly quicker. Because James has invited me to Spend Christmas, New Years and his birthday with him and his family in Ross-on-Wye. :) December can't get here soon enough.
16. I crash my car. My beloved Vera is now dead.
But I look on the bright side--at least it's one more month until James and I are together and I'm back in England once again with people I love.
That, believe it or not....is the SHORT version of the last year and a half of my life. A new year, a new British boyfriend, but somehow I think my life is about to change one of these days for the better. ....I'll keep you posted. :) For now.....it's 11 days until my departure to England. And by then I'll have given you a proper introduction to the wonderful person I'll be spending the following 7 weeks with--James, my boyfriend. :)
-Jenny Mac