I said that my last blog would be my absolute last blog, well...I lied. Here comes the wrap up:
Thoughts on coming home.....
The plane ride back into LA depressed me. I desended from the clouds and saw a mesh of greys and browns. There was no lovely green to come home to. That as well as leaving my love, Ben, behind made me not want to be coming home. :(
When I walked into the house...it felt different..it didn't feel like home. I miss home farm and the creaky doors and the way the temperature is not too cold not too hot inside and everything really. I walked around the house for a bit in disillusion. I had to rediscover my house and my room like it was a romm I had never enterted before and I have to look at everything and take it all in. I miss home farm. It's become home to me.
I stayed up until 10:30 last night doing things to wrap up the trip--editing and saving pictures, washing clothes, unpacking, checking mail and e-mail, etc. And I'm STILL doing stuff to come down and get organized after my trip. I honestly miss not having to worry about everything but the silly stuff and now all the responsibility and the big descision making is towering above me and I just want to go back to England and be happy.
It's not just the vacation factor. I can honestly see myself living in a small town in the midlands, somewhere with local shosp and some larger commercial shops but with countryside all around. A bit llike home, except more green and I'd be in England where the customs and everyday life situations of going to the grocery store excite me to live there. And with Ben by my side--it's my perfect picture.
I miss Ben. I miss England. I miss the life. I want to work and live and be happy there, but right now I just don't have the means. :(
I've been up since about 2:30am and it's now 8:30am. My body rejected me when I woke up. I got a charlie-horse in my left calf and it hurt SO much...I had never had one before. And the staying up bit, well....I'm on an English Living Schedule, which I wouldn't mind so much if I could speak with Ben while it's still day with him and he doesn't have work. :( But alas....no luck.
I'm running errands in a few hours....until then I have more packing and such to do and more thinking to do about my future. I've even thought about going to Uni in Reading or Newcastle or something so I can be closer to the land and the boy I love, but I'm not sure how much that'll cost and if I have that money to spend. :( anyway...time will tell and it's an uphill battle and struggle to make a life for myself.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Last Day...and the Last Blog
This will be my last blog about this trip. Tomorrow morning I am on a plane at 10:30ish am and headed back to Cali. Ben and I have to get up at about 6:30 so no time to blog in the morning, so this is it people. You can ask me all about my trip and whatnot that I didn't include in here, when I get home....That is if I'm not asleep. :P
Today Ben and I slept in, got up got ready went to get some lunch...Wagamama. Ben loves this place. We went to the one in Cardiff where we had to walk upstairs to get to it....this time, in London we had to walk downstairs to get to it. Funny ol' world idinit?
The food was yummy and we even had coconut ice cream with mango syrup on top. It was yummy. And then we shopped in Piccadilly for a while. I got some souvenirs...window shopped a bit as well, then we went back to the hotel. Today was pretty much a shopping day....
But we did hang out in the hotel room and watch Top Gear and listened to Avenue Q songs....and then went out to eat--pizza take away. And now we're here. The day went by so quickly and seemed really relaxed which is good. Although...I have already cried a few times today. I really don't want to leave. I love England. And I especially love Ben and don't want to leave him.
I've had some really good memories with Ben, his family, and his friends. I've made memories of inside jokes that blossomed here that no one in Cali would get. I've gained more knowledge about England and politics and pop culture that no one from home would get. It's just interesting to see how much this place feels like home to me. And it's not England in general really....I've REALLY grown attached to Home Farm. When we were leaving for the train station, to go to London, I looked back and it was like I was leaving Cali at the start of this trip....but not in an excited 'i'm going somewhere new' sort of way. It was in the 'aww...everything I know and love is behind me now...and I'm not going to see it for a while. I already miss it.' sort of way.
I really love Home Farm and I can't believe I don't actually live there. I've grown too accustom to it and it really feels like a 2nd home to me. I've got my 2nd mother(well 3rd, but whos counting)--Teresa...my 2nd dad--Wayne....my brother and Sister--Richard and Kate....and my boyfriend always close by...Ben doesn't feel like family so it's not 2ndary incest(honestly he doesn't fit in with the rest of his family....just an odd black duck).
Yeah well...that's about all I got to say.
I'll see you in California guys and gals.
"California...here I coooooome!"
Today Ben and I slept in, got up got ready went to get some lunch...Wagamama. Ben loves this place. We went to the one in Cardiff where we had to walk upstairs to get to it....this time, in London we had to walk downstairs to get to it. Funny ol' world idinit?
The food was yummy and we even had coconut ice cream with mango syrup on top. It was yummy. And then we shopped in Piccadilly for a while. I got some souvenirs...window shopped a bit as well, then we went back to the hotel. Today was pretty much a shopping day....
But we did hang out in the hotel room and watch Top Gear and listened to Avenue Q songs....and then went out to eat--pizza take away. And now we're here. The day went by so quickly and seemed really relaxed which is good. Although...I have already cried a few times today. I really don't want to leave. I love England. And I especially love Ben and don't want to leave him.
I've had some really good memories with Ben, his family, and his friends. I've made memories of inside jokes that blossomed here that no one in Cali would get. I've gained more knowledge about England and politics and pop culture that no one from home would get. It's just interesting to see how much this place feels like home to me. And it's not England in general really....I've REALLY grown attached to Home Farm. When we were leaving for the train station, to go to London, I looked back and it was like I was leaving Cali at the start of this trip....but not in an excited 'i'm going somewhere new' sort of way. It was in the 'aww...everything I know and love is behind me now...and I'm not going to see it for a while. I already miss it.' sort of way.
I really love Home Farm and I can't believe I don't actually live there. I've grown too accustom to it and it really feels like a 2nd home to me. I've got my 2nd mother(well 3rd, but whos counting)--Teresa...my 2nd dad--Wayne....my brother and Sister--Richard and Kate....and my boyfriend always close by...Ben doesn't feel like family so it's not 2ndary incest(honestly he doesn't fit in with the rest of his family....just an odd black duck).
Yeah well...that's about all I got to say.
I'll see you in California guys and gals.
"California...here I coooooome!"
Jenny Emo Day...that works out, only in the end. :P
Yesterday started off as good, then became more fail and then it got uber good again. The started off with us getting ready and then going out on the subway to go shopping. ...but then, in true Jenny Mac fashion...I got us lost. We went to the wrong stop which I accidentally circled on my map as somewhere I wanted to go....So we decided we'd eat breakfast/lunch around there then hop back on the Subway and head to where we REALLY wanted to go.
There was a certain street/area that I wanted to check out for costume shops and the like. We found one, but Ben didn't let me play dress up with him(I sware he would've looked SO HOT in that Top Hat, but he knocked it off before I could stand back and look at his hotness). Emo Jenny: 0.5
We also found a music shop where I found sheet music, but it was too expensive to buy. :( Emo Jenny (at that point): 0.2
Then we were walking trying to find more shops to go into....I found a record store, and Ben actually seemed interested in this shop, but again...nothing. I didn't find any vinyl that I wanted and they didn't have a very good selection to begin with. Emo Jenny: 1
After we left that shop we walked more and I kept getting frustrated at the street signs cause the map I had only had major streets and I could tell where we were in relation to where I wanted to go. Emo Jenny: 2
Then as I was walking I kept thinking and seeing things like girls that Ben would rather like (I was having one of my girly 'I feel fat days' so....bleh.)...skinny emo type girls and that got me thinking about whether I'm good enough for him, etc etc etc...So Emo Jenny went to about a 2.7 then.....
I kept taking pictures of things too and Stopping and it felt like Ben was annoyed with that(then again he's stoic most of the time, so I can never tell). SO that made me feel more inadequate and I kept walking faster and faster thinking that it'd be better not for him to be seen with with a tourist type person. Emo Jenny: 3
Kept walking faster and faster, wanting to get to the next shopping place(which was Piccadilly on the map). I kept stopping every once in a while to look at my map, but somewhere between the confusion, the frustration and the inadequacy I just went completely stupid and I leaned up against a wall....that had just been painted....(and if any of you mother fuckers mention it to me I will cut your favorite appendages off) I had a moment of stupidity in frustration. So after I realized THAT emo Jenny went to about a 6.
Kept walking faster, wanting to get away from everything and just sit down and cry. But Of course, we were in Piccadilly (it was just around the corner from the paint wall accident) and there were TONS of people and NO benches...I kept walking faster and crying. Emo Jenny went from about a 6 to a 7 when bumping into people...then an 8 when I cried harder and then a 9 and a 10 by the time I sat down somewhere because of Slow people and me wanting to go fast, and being depressed and wanting to eat (so I went into a market and bought a quick handfull of food, paid and left)...and everything.
I finally found a park, went into the back behind trees where no one could see me cry except Ben and sat on a wall to eat. It was really hard to eat while I was crying but my mind couldn't help thinking.
Eventually I finished eating, calmed down, had a little hug session with Ben, I whiped away my tears and he made sure my eyeliner and stuff wasn't running from me crying and we were off back to the hotel at about 3. I relaxed in the hotel, I calmed down, we took a little nap then got up , ate and got ready for the theatre.
I think we looked good for all that had happened.
Then we were off to the Theatre to see Avenue Q!!!!!
It was an amazing show, at least I thought so. Ben thought is was alright but he laughed and smiled alot during (I can't help but peak. I like to know if usual non-theatre-goers are enjoying themselves. ^^ I take pride in the fact that I've brought them to theatre if they smile...and if not, well...I just feel sad). Daniel Boyes (Yes, from 'Any Dream Will Do' mum...:P) was an amazing lead. He played 2 characters, Princton(the straight lead character) and Rod(the secondary lead gay character)..and he did pretty good americanized accents. And it made me happy to be that close to him.
After the show Ben wanted to go to a pub...so we found a pub and Ben had a few rounds of drinks....I only had 1 scrumpy when we went back to the hotel(I had leftover from the party last week). We stayed in the pub for a while but didn't end up actually getting 'home' to the hotel and going to sleep until almost 2am. All in all a fun night/morning tho.
That's all folks! I imagine I'll post a short blog about today's events when we get home, then we have to pay, pack and get sleep before waking up tomorrow at 6:30-7am. URG
There was a certain street/area that I wanted to check out for costume shops and the like. We found one, but Ben didn't let me play dress up with him(I sware he would've looked SO HOT in that Top Hat, but he knocked it off before I could stand back and look at his hotness). Emo Jenny: 0.5
We also found a music shop where I found sheet music, but it was too expensive to buy. :( Emo Jenny (at that point): 0.2
Then we were walking trying to find more shops to go into....I found a record store, and Ben actually seemed interested in this shop, but again...nothing. I didn't find any vinyl that I wanted and they didn't have a very good selection to begin with. Emo Jenny: 1
After we left that shop we walked more and I kept getting frustrated at the street signs cause the map I had only had major streets and I could tell where we were in relation to where I wanted to go. Emo Jenny: 2
Then as I was walking I kept thinking and seeing things like girls that Ben would rather like (I was having one of my girly 'I feel fat days' so....bleh.)...skinny emo type girls and that got me thinking about whether I'm good enough for him, etc etc etc...So Emo Jenny went to about a 2.7 then.....
I kept taking pictures of things too and Stopping and it felt like Ben was annoyed with that(then again he's stoic most of the time, so I can never tell). SO that made me feel more inadequate and I kept walking faster and faster thinking that it'd be better not for him to be seen with with a tourist type person. Emo Jenny: 3
Kept walking faster and faster, wanting to get to the next shopping place(which was Piccadilly on the map). I kept stopping every once in a while to look at my map, but somewhere between the confusion, the frustration and the inadequacy I just went completely stupid and I leaned up against a wall....that had just been painted....(and if any of you mother fuckers mention it to me I will cut your favorite appendages off) I had a moment of stupidity in frustration. So after I realized THAT emo Jenny went to about a 6.
Kept walking faster, wanting to get away from everything and just sit down and cry. But Of course, we were in Piccadilly (it was just around the corner from the paint wall accident) and there were TONS of people and NO benches...I kept walking faster and crying. Emo Jenny went from about a 6 to a 7 when bumping into people...then an 8 when I cried harder and then a 9 and a 10 by the time I sat down somewhere because of Slow people and me wanting to go fast, and being depressed and wanting to eat (so I went into a market and bought a quick handfull of food, paid and left)...and everything.
I finally found a park, went into the back behind trees where no one could see me cry except Ben and sat on a wall to eat. It was really hard to eat while I was crying but my mind couldn't help thinking.
Eventually I finished eating, calmed down, had a little hug session with Ben, I whiped away my tears and he made sure my eyeliner and stuff wasn't running from me crying and we were off back to the hotel at about 3. I relaxed in the hotel, I calmed down, we took a little nap then got up , ate and got ready for the theatre.
Then we were off to the Theatre to see Avenue Q!!!!!
It was an amazing show, at least I thought so. Ben thought is was alright but he laughed and smiled alot during (I can't help but peak. I like to know if usual non-theatre-goers are enjoying themselves. ^^ I take pride in the fact that I've brought them to theatre if they smile...and if not, well...I just feel sad). Daniel Boyes (Yes, from 'Any Dream Will Do' mum...:P) was an amazing lead. He played 2 characters, Princton(the straight lead character) and Rod(the secondary lead gay character)..and he did pretty good americanized accents. And it made me happy to be that close to him.
After the show Ben wanted to go to a pub...so we found a pub and Ben had a few rounds of drinks....I only had 1 scrumpy when we went back to the hotel(I had leftover from the party last week). We stayed in the pub for a while but didn't end up actually getting 'home' to the hotel and going to sleep until almost 2am. All in all a fun night/morning tho.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Good Day vs. Bad Day
RIGHT! ANNOUNCEMENT: Yesterday I said I would add pictures and more commentary to my last blog. Well it's up now, sorry for the wait. I don't know when I'm gonna post my next few blogs until I leave....whenever I have time I guess, whether that's in the morning or evening here(which means 1 or 2 blogs a day for the folks back home i don't know).
Yesterday was a whirlwind of WOAHness. It started off REALLY great and kept getting great and then by the end it kinda plane crashed into the Twin Towers that is Ben and I. (That metaphor made NO sense but I felt like saying something crazy cause I've been watching vlogbrothers).
First good thing was that Ben came down with me for Breakfast. We got down there late so we had to wait a bit for other latecomers to get seated and served first, but we had breakfast eventually. After that I came upstairs, trying to finish blogging as fast as possible and then we left.
We went down to Southwark to go to My favorite place in old-timey London-Shakespeare's Globe Theatre:
That's the view of it from across the river.
Getting to this spot though was fun. Right after we got up from the underground the immediately was little to no people on the streets which I think made Ben very happy--no crowds. But then we went down a few streets and we discovered a Marathon going on.
Ben and I thought it was funny....the big yellow/orange box on the right in this next picture is a speed camera...and Ben leaned over to me, pointed at the camera and said 'They're trying to catch the speeders':
I thought it was very amusing. We kept making fun of the runners and if we saw someone running down another street (obviously not a part of the marathon) we'd say 'woah...someone got lost. :P Anyways...We walked over this queer bridge...it was REALLY strangely designed...to get to the globe and I couldn't stop fidgeting because I was so excited. I paid for our tickets and then we went into the exhibition room to look around and wait for our tour group to be called to take a tour of inside the Globe!
Here are some pictures from the exhibition:

(BEN: The reason shakespeare makes no sence. He was a stoner)
(I made this from a board of magnetic words they had....I couldn't make any REALLY good ones because there weren't enough words)

After the tour group got together we were lead into the 2nd tier of the globe's seating and were sat down and heard the tour guide talk about The Globe and Sheakspeare and stuff. Then there were questions to be asked....this one lady annoyed the HELL out of me. She was sitting right next to Ben and it took me all I had to not to smack her when she went on and on about her question. She was an American--sounding southern...I sware she could have slaves back in louisiana or something she was so prim and proper and such an arrogant--I'm getting ahead of myself. ANYWAY! SHe saked, 'Becuase of England's changing weather, have you ever thought about putting a glass down over the top and then putting some air-conditioning? I think it could be nice. Maybe put down some cushion chairs on the floor so people down have to stand.....' And she kept going ON about it. THAT@S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!!!! The reason they BUILT the globe this way (after the first two went down) was to Preserve the way Shakespeare's plays and others were veiwed at the Globe. Poeple STAND in the stalls. Not Sit and there wasn't air-conditioning. Theatre-goers braved the heat and the rain because they wanted to see the play, not be comfortable and shit. I wanted to punch her. Fucking tourists(I know....I am one, but at least I appreciate the beauty and take it how it is. I'm not eating McDonalds every fucking day because I'm comfortable with it...I WANT to be local and try stuff and get aquainted to a new place, not complain about it and want to change shit to my standard of living.).
Okay Rant over. Here are some pictures of me and Ben and other pictures inside the globe:

(Ben Shakespeare: 'How art thou...mother fucker)
(Jenny Shakespeare: Oh for a Muse of Fire....A Kingdom for a Stage, Princes to Act and Monarchs to behold the swelling scene)
Shakespeare in manga form! SO COOL! I thought about buying one but nawwwww....
After The Globe we crossed the bridge again and went to go find food but we were stopped by a street performer. We weren't literally stopped by him, but he was interesting and funny so we stopped and watched his show. He was quite entertaining. He danced and made jokes and was pretty talented. He swallowed a whole balloon:

He swallowed a sword...and then juggled objects, while said sword was still in his mouth and he couldn't see WHAT he was juggling. But he did all of this on a wobbly ladder. It was amazing. And VERY enetrtaining...I gave him £5 cause I REALLY enjoyed his show..
And then I got a picture with him. Sam the psycho he called himself jokingly. He looked hot in those trousers too. :P
After seeing that little performance we went and found food. We ate at this...:
Pub. There were HUGE portions. Ben had a really big salad and I had a proper Jacket Potato. It was yummy but then I felt all fat and sluggish the rest of the day. That's when things started turning slightly bad, but not really bad.
We wandered over to St. Paul's Cathedral, which we couldn't go into because it was Sunday Worship. So Ben and I just took pictures outside the Cathedral:

Then after that we walked somewhere between about a half and 3/4 of a mile to get to Big Ben. We took pictures of Big Ben...the London eye from a distance and then a picture of those wankers' building:

On the walk down this way my back started acting up and it hurt for the rest of the day...welll, at least into I got back to the hotel and could crunch it. And then another bad thing that happened was right after I took this picture....my camera battery died. Which was sort of okay because there wasn't really anything I wanted to take pictures of cause we just walked to the nearest Underground and went back to the hotel.
When we got back to the hotel I was absolutely knackered. I kicked off my shoes, plugged in my camera battery to charge and took a short little nap while Ben looked at all his multi-internet networking sights.
After a while I had some cider....I looked at picture on my camera and started crying....Ben asked me what was wrong...and we ended up having a long talk about us. Most of it consisted of what a bad flirtaious girlfriend I am...and how we're going to live when I go home. Can long distance relationships work? I kept assuring him they can. And he told me he didn't want to get attatched to me. All and everything in that catagory of 'talks' and then some were discussed. Ben had a little breakdown and went out for a smoke. I got all emo and went out for a walk to the store...I sat on the window ledge and wrote poetry. He went on his laptop again. and by 10pm we were fine and cuddling in bed again, talking about TV shows we grew up on.
And that was pretty much the good and the bad of yesterday. It's 10:30am now and we're going out into London town to shop. Goodbye.
Yesterday was a whirlwind of WOAHness. It started off REALLY great and kept getting great and then by the end it kinda plane crashed into the Twin Towers that is Ben and I. (That metaphor made NO sense but I felt like saying something crazy cause I've been watching vlogbrothers).
First good thing was that Ben came down with me for Breakfast. We got down there late so we had to wait a bit for other latecomers to get seated and served first, but we had breakfast eventually. After that I came upstairs, trying to finish blogging as fast as possible and then we left.
We went down to Southwark to go to My favorite place in old-timey London-Shakespeare's Globe Theatre:
Getting to this spot though was fun. Right after we got up from the underground the immediately was little to no people on the streets which I think made Ben very happy--no crowds. But then we went down a few streets and we discovered a Marathon going on.
Here are some pictures from the exhibition:
Okay Rant over. Here are some pictures of me and Ben and other pictures inside the globe:
After The Globe we crossed the bridge again and went to go find food but we were stopped by a street performer. We weren't literally stopped by him, but he was interesting and funny so we stopped and watched his show. He was quite entertaining. He danced and made jokes and was pretty talented. He swallowed a whole balloon:
He swallowed a sword...and then juggled objects, while said sword was still in his mouth and he couldn't see WHAT he was juggling. But he did all of this on a wobbly ladder. It was amazing. And VERY enetrtaining...I gave him £5 cause I REALLY enjoyed his show..
We wandered over to St. Paul's Cathedral, which we couldn't go into because it was Sunday Worship. So Ben and I just took pictures outside the Cathedral:
When we got back to the hotel I was absolutely knackered. I kicked off my shoes, plugged in my camera battery to charge and took a short little nap while Ben looked at all his multi-internet networking sights.
After a while I had some cider....I looked at picture on my camera and started crying....Ben asked me what was wrong...and we ended up having a long talk about us. Most of it consisted of what a bad flirtaious girlfriend I am...and how we're going to live when I go home. Can long distance relationships work? I kept assuring him they can. And he told me he didn't want to get attatched to me. All and everything in that catagory of 'talks' and then some were discussed. Ben had a little breakdown and went out for a smoke. I got all emo and went out for a walk to the store...I sat on the window ledge and wrote poetry. He went on his laptop again. and by 10pm we were fine and cuddling in bed again, talking about TV shows we grew up on.
And that was pretty much the good and the bad of yesterday. It's 10:30am now and we're going out into London town to shop. Goodbye.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Big Scary non-green London
Yesterday....I got up for some very strange reason at 6:30....then again at 7:30 which was just in time for me to go have breakfast downstairs in the hotel. They do a Full English Breakfast from 7:30-9am. It was a nice experience. (Ben didn't come with me because he was still all sleepy and so I just went without him trying not to wake him up.)
I went downstairs, found a table and one of the hotel workers came and poured me a glass of orange juice and asked if I wanted Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate. I said hot chocolate and when he came back he brought this pint sized little pouring can with yummy chocolate. And there was a mini pitcher of milk on the table to so I had that as well. The Full English was small portioned probably for Ben but right for me: 2 bacon, 1 sausage (sadness), 1 egg and then a rack of toast that would come out to about 3 pieces per person.
Breakfast overall was lovely but I wish Ben would've rolled out of bed to join me. When I walked back up he was awake so then we got ready, checked our multi-networking websites and went out. It was a bit confusing again with the Underground trains which way we needed to go but I think we got that hang of it. Ben tends to figure out things in his head slower and come up to a conclusion alot faster, whereas I just look at everything and all the options around me really fast then try to work it all out fast in my head and ends up jumbling up.
We eventually got where we needed to go which was the Whitechapel Art Gallery. It was a free gallery so we walked right in and right away there were some interetsing pieces that made me and ben think, 'That's Art?' but overall it was entertaining to see A) The GOOD artwork that I found pretty B) The artsy farsty people talking about the art in an 'artsy type way'(you think that people take the piss on TV and in movies about people in galleries--;oh what does this mean? I think it's a post-modern feminist with a twist of Monet to it' kind of shit.....yeah, it ACTUALLY happens and sounds like that coming out of people's mouths)...and lastly C) seeing Ben's reactions to stuff. It was priceless. Given that I did actually like that stuff that he would'nt consider art but there were some things that were just bloody ridiculous.
For example, there was a room where a film was being shown. It was silent and black and white of just the road in front of the car and in subtitles every about 5-10 seconds there was a subtitle that read '(wind)'.......'(palm trees)'.....'(road)'.....(((AND THE LAST ONE WAS...and this is priceless)))....'(Shhhhhhhhh)'. I decided right then and there, okay, take a quick look around and then we're outta here. This place is crazier than Bedlam Hospital.
I did find one piece that I liked in the exhibit. It was a room with different pieces by the same artist and the 2 pieces I like most were these:
1) There was a radio that had people talking from it and it switched off between a guy and a girl's voice saying 'You should--' and then it cuts out with static and then another voice 'We're told to--' more static cuts in. It was one of those artsy pieces that not everyone sees as art, but I like it cause I think it's about free expression(excuse me sounding all artsy for a moment).
2) The second one was a table with all these wooden boxes on it and the boxes all had quotes...but it didn't tell who from. I can't remember any of the quotes but they're the kind of quotes you have to really think about and say, 'yeah...that's true'. Quotes like 'I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference'...stuff that makes you see a bigger picture.
Anyways....we left Whitechapel art gallery and went to The City and Southwark (where ALL the touristy stuff is...Tower of London....The Globe....London Bridge...Tower Bridge...etc). I thought it was quite exciting. It gave me that rush of not knowing where I am in a big city--like what New York did to me, especially when I got lost on the subway. But Ben had a completely different experience: he hates London. It's Big. It's Scary. It's not green. People make too much noise and the pissheads sing and talk throughout the night. It's too hot(even thought it's been raining, it has been a bit humid). ANd Ben ABSOLUTELY hates the crowds.
He misses home alot. He misses sleeping in his own bed and hearing cows and sheep instead of traffic and talking outside the window. I try to assure him that it'll be fine for a few days then he can go back home but he's a tough one to crack. I love him dearly and I don't want him to miss out on having fun in London with me the last few days I'm here...just because he's stubborn and can't get over the fact that it's the non-green city of London. :P
I don't even dare find a night club to go to(because Ben doesn't dance) and I've cut down my itenerary (most because we'll have time, but I cut out stuff that Ben will REALLY hate to do) because I'm afraid that anymore horrible thing will over excite him and he'll hate me or something. Don't worry I'm still having fun doing the things we ARE and WILL BE doing.
OKay...really pressed for time now so I'm gonna give you the cliffnotes version:
-Went past tower of London(didn't go in).
-Walked around the Thames
-Bought cheap discounted tickets for The London Dungeon.
-Wandered around, found a NEXT (clothing store) so Ben could buy stuff.
-Found a Pub(can't be arsed to remember the name atm), but it was a 'proper pub'(2 things about the pub: it was packed and we didn't know how to go about ordering because it said give your table number and our table number was sractched off, but eventually we got food. 2) Food was YUMMY!!!! I had a cucumber and Salmon sandwich which was kinda like sushi on bread which made it even better cause I was craving sushi lately)
-Went to The London Dungeon....I had fun at least...one of the 'rides almost squished Ben's Balls to oblivion though(which I'm not gonna lie was kinda funny).
-Bought a picture from the London Dungeon....check this post later on cause I'll put up pictures as well from today.
That's it. I'm done. I'll do morw when we get back from out adventures today.. bye!
Right, sorry it took so long. Here is the fill-in for the gaps I left in this blog:
AT the London Dungeon there was a room where they talked about the Great Fire of London and it was all big and dramatic and there was smoke and lighting effects, and then they shovel us into the next room which is a corridor of smoke and stuff sounding like its burning. Here's where it's funny: Ben saw in both section a fire extinguisher, pointed one out to me and said, 'Don't worry. They can put it out with this' or something to that effect. It was rather amusing.
Okay I can't think of anything else that I missed story-wise, so I'm just going to put pictures up:
(Ben has the right to remain sexy)
(pub we ate at)
(place we shopped at)
(London Dungeon)
(Fire Extinguisher)
(Crimes Punishable by death--I was triad as a witch in Court....and I got off on insanity)
(That was so much fun--Straight Drop((We got hung..ed...edead)). And this was before Ben's manhood got squished, so he's fine. Stupid Adrenaline junkie)
(I've decided that this is goning to be Ben when he grows up: Still wearing
short jeans, dirty converse, and a Gallows t-shirt)
I went downstairs, found a table and one of the hotel workers came and poured me a glass of orange juice and asked if I wanted Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate. I said hot chocolate and when he came back he brought this pint sized little pouring can with yummy chocolate. And there was a mini pitcher of milk on the table to so I had that as well. The Full English was small portioned probably for Ben but right for me: 2 bacon, 1 sausage (sadness), 1 egg and then a rack of toast that would come out to about 3 pieces per person.
Breakfast overall was lovely but I wish Ben would've rolled out of bed to join me. When I walked back up he was awake so then we got ready, checked our multi-networking websites and went out. It was a bit confusing again with the Underground trains which way we needed to go but I think we got that hang of it. Ben tends to figure out things in his head slower and come up to a conclusion alot faster, whereas I just look at everything and all the options around me really fast then try to work it all out fast in my head and ends up jumbling up.
We eventually got where we needed to go which was the Whitechapel Art Gallery. It was a free gallery so we walked right in and right away there were some interetsing pieces that made me and ben think, 'That's Art?' but overall it was entertaining to see A) The GOOD artwork that I found pretty B) The artsy farsty people talking about the art in an 'artsy type way'(you think that people take the piss on TV and in movies about people in galleries--;oh what does this mean? I think it's a post-modern feminist with a twist of Monet to it' kind of shit.....yeah, it ACTUALLY happens and sounds like that coming out of people's mouths)...and lastly C) seeing Ben's reactions to stuff. It was priceless. Given that I did actually like that stuff that he would'nt consider art but there were some things that were just bloody ridiculous.
For example, there was a room where a film was being shown. It was silent and black and white of just the road in front of the car and in subtitles every about 5-10 seconds there was a subtitle that read '(wind)'.......'(palm trees)'.....'(road)'.....(((AND THE LAST ONE WAS...and this is priceless)))....'(Shhhhhhhhh)'. I decided right then and there, okay, take a quick look around and then we're outta here. This place is crazier than Bedlam Hospital.
I did find one piece that I liked in the exhibit. It was a room with different pieces by the same artist and the 2 pieces I like most were these:
1) There was a radio that had people talking from it and it switched off between a guy and a girl's voice saying 'You should--' and then it cuts out with static and then another voice 'We're told to--' more static cuts in. It was one of those artsy pieces that not everyone sees as art, but I like it cause I think it's about free expression(excuse me sounding all artsy for a moment).
2) The second one was a table with all these wooden boxes on it and the boxes all had quotes...but it didn't tell who from. I can't remember any of the quotes but they're the kind of quotes you have to really think about and say, 'yeah...that's true'. Quotes like 'I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference'...stuff that makes you see a bigger picture.
Anyways....we left Whitechapel art gallery and went to The City and Southwark (where ALL the touristy stuff is...Tower of London....The Globe....London Bridge...Tower Bridge...etc). I thought it was quite exciting. It gave me that rush of not knowing where I am in a big city--like what New York did to me, especially when I got lost on the subway. But Ben had a completely different experience: he hates London. It's Big. It's Scary. It's not green. People make too much noise and the pissheads sing and talk throughout the night. It's too hot(even thought it's been raining, it has been a bit humid). ANd Ben ABSOLUTELY hates the crowds.
He misses home alot. He misses sleeping in his own bed and hearing cows and sheep instead of traffic and talking outside the window. I try to assure him that it'll be fine for a few days then he can go back home but he's a tough one to crack. I love him dearly and I don't want him to miss out on having fun in London with me the last few days I'm here...just because he's stubborn and can't get over the fact that it's the non-green city of London. :P
I don't even dare find a night club to go to(because Ben doesn't dance) and I've cut down my itenerary (most because we'll have time, but I cut out stuff that Ben will REALLY hate to do) because I'm afraid that anymore horrible thing will over excite him and he'll hate me or something. Don't worry I'm still having fun doing the things we ARE and WILL BE doing.
OKay...really pressed for time now so I'm gonna give you the cliffnotes version:
-Went past tower of London(didn't go in).
-Walked around the Thames
-Bought cheap discounted tickets for The London Dungeon.
-Wandered around, found a NEXT (clothing store) so Ben could buy stuff.
-Found a Pub(can't be arsed to remember the name atm), but it was a 'proper pub'(2 things about the pub: it was packed and we didn't know how to go about ordering because it said give your table number and our table number was sractched off, but eventually we got food. 2) Food was YUMMY!!!! I had a cucumber and Salmon sandwich which was kinda like sushi on bread which made it even better cause I was craving sushi lately)
-Went to The London Dungeon....I had fun at least...one of the 'rides almost squished Ben's Balls to oblivion though(which I'm not gonna lie was kinda funny).
-Bought a picture from the London Dungeon....check this post later on cause I'll put up pictures as well from today.
That's it. I'm done. I'll do morw when we get back from out adventures today.. bye!
Right, sorry it took so long. Here is the fill-in for the gaps I left in this blog:
AT the London Dungeon there was a room where they talked about the Great Fire of London and it was all big and dramatic and there was smoke and lighting effects, and then they shovel us into the next room which is a corridor of smoke and stuff sounding like its burning. Here's where it's funny: Ben saw in both section a fire extinguisher, pointed one out to me and said, 'Don't worry. They can put it out with this' or something to that effect. It was rather amusing.
Okay I can't think of anything else that I missed story-wise, so I'm just going to put pictures up:
short jeans, dirty converse, and a Gallows t-shirt)
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