I went downstairs, found a table and one of the hotel workers came and poured me a glass of orange juice and asked if I wanted Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate. I said hot chocolate and when he came back he brought this pint sized little pouring can with yummy chocolate. And there was a mini pitcher of milk on the table to so I had that as well. The Full English was small portioned probably for Ben but right for me: 2 bacon, 1 sausage (sadness), 1 egg and then a rack of toast that would come out to about 3 pieces per person.
Breakfast overall was lovely but I wish Ben would've rolled out of bed to join me. When I walked back up he was awake so then we got ready, checked our multi-networking websites and went out. It was a bit confusing again with the Underground trains which way we needed to go but I think we got that hang of it. Ben tends to figure out things in his head slower and come up to a conclusion alot faster, whereas I just look at everything and all the options around me really fast then try to work it all out fast in my head and ends up jumbling up.
We eventually got where we needed to go which was the Whitechapel Art Gallery. It was a free gallery so we walked right in and right away there were some interetsing pieces that made me and ben think, 'That's Art?' but overall it was entertaining to see A) The GOOD artwork that I found pretty B) The artsy farsty people talking about the art in an 'artsy type way'(you think that people take the piss on TV and in movies about people in galleries--;oh what does this mean? I think it's a post-modern feminist with a twist of Monet to it' kind of shit.....yeah, it ACTUALLY happens and sounds like that coming out of people's mouths)...and lastly C) seeing Ben's reactions to stuff. It was priceless. Given that I did actually like that stuff that he would'nt consider art but there were some things that were just bloody ridiculous.
For example, there was a room where a film was being shown. It was silent and black and white of just the road in front of the car and in subtitles every about 5-10 seconds there was a subtitle that read '(wind)'.......'(palm trees)'.....'(road)'.....(((AND THE LAST ONE WAS...and this is priceless)))....'(Shhhhhhhhh)'. I decided right then and there, okay, take a quick look around and then we're outta here. This place is crazier than Bedlam Hospital.
I did find one piece that I liked in the exhibit. It was a room with different pieces by the same artist and the 2 pieces I like most were these:
1) There was a radio that had people talking from it and it switched off between a guy and a girl's voice saying 'You should--' and then it cuts out with static and then another voice 'We're told to--' more static cuts in. It was one of those artsy pieces that not everyone sees as art, but I like it cause I think it's about free expression(excuse me sounding all artsy for a moment).
2) The second one was a table with all these wooden boxes on it and the boxes all had quotes...but it didn't tell who from. I can't remember any of the quotes but they're the kind of quotes you have to really think about and say, 'yeah...that's true'. Quotes like 'I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference'...stuff that makes you see a bigger picture.
Anyways....we left Whitechapel art gallery and went to The City and Southwark (where ALL the touristy stuff is...Tower of London....The Globe....London Bridge...Tower Bridge...etc). I thought it was quite exciting. It gave me that rush of not knowing where I am in a big city--like what New York did to me, especially when I got lost on the subway. But Ben had a completely different experience: he hates London. It's Big. It's Scary. It's not green. People make too much noise and the pissheads sing and talk throughout the night. It's too hot(even thought it's been raining, it has been a bit humid). ANd Ben ABSOLUTELY hates the crowds.
He misses home alot. He misses sleeping in his own bed and hearing cows and sheep instead of traffic and talking outside the window. I try to assure him that it'll be fine for a few days then he can go back home but he's a tough one to crack. I love him dearly and I don't want him to miss out on having fun in London with me the last few days I'm here...just because he's stubborn and can't get over the fact that it's the non-green city of London. :P
I don't even dare find a night club to go to(because Ben doesn't dance) and I've cut down my itenerary (most because we'll have time, but I cut out stuff that Ben will REALLY hate to do) because I'm afraid that anymore horrible thing will over excite him and he'll hate me or something. Don't worry I'm still having fun doing the things we ARE and WILL BE doing.
OKay...really pressed for time now so I'm gonna give you the cliffnotes version:
-Went past tower of London(didn't go in).
-Walked around the Thames
-Bought cheap discounted tickets for The London Dungeon.
-Wandered around, found a NEXT (clothing store) so Ben could buy stuff.
-Found a Pub(can't be arsed to remember the name atm), but it was a 'proper pub'(2 things about the pub: it was packed and we didn't know how to go about ordering because it said give your table number and our table number was sractched off, but eventually we got food. 2) Food was YUMMY!!!! I had a cucumber and Salmon sandwich which was kinda like sushi on bread which made it even better cause I was craving sushi lately)
-Went to The London Dungeon....I had fun at least...one of the 'rides almost squished Ben's Balls to oblivion though(which I'm not gonna lie was kinda funny).
-Bought a picture from the London Dungeon....check this post later on cause I'll put up pictures as well from today.
That's it. I'm done. I'll do morw when we get back from out adventures today.. bye!
Right, sorry it took so long. Here is the fill-in for the gaps I left in this blog:
AT the London Dungeon there was a room where they talked about the Great Fire of London and it was all big and dramatic and there was smoke and lighting effects, and then they shovel us into the next room which is a corridor of smoke and stuff sounding like its burning. Here's where it's funny: Ben saw in both section a fire extinguisher, pointed one out to me and said, 'Don't worry. They can put it out with this' or something to that effect. It was rather amusing.
Okay I can't think of anything else that I missed story-wise, so I'm just going to put pictures up:
short jeans, dirty converse, and a Gallows t-shirt)
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