I've been bugged by a few people about when I'm blogging next. I try not to blog unless there's something important or big happening, but here are this month's highlights so far...the little stuff:
1. James and I working more hours because people are sick/unable to come in/let go/etc. Us working more = More money
2. We spent way too much on Christmas and James' birthday London trip so we're trying to bump up our bank account. SO far, it's looking pretty good because we're not spending money too much and we're being penny pinchers until my birthday in February. ALong with living expenses, we have my birthday, my friend from America--Krystyne--coming over, and a belated birthday trip to Paris ALL in february to come. So, money is essential. For living, and for saving up for my birthday.
3. Since December, James and I have been going to the Gym, Wye Leisure. It's a very nice facility (hopefully pictures will come soon so I can show you how posh, nice, it is). We've been there at least once a week, even when our schedules are crazy(except for Christmas...because we were Christmasing and then Londoning). Last week we managed to go twice, which is good and this week we aim on going 3 times (once already, hopefully again tonight, then Saturday as well).
These machines kick your bum. When you sign up they put you on a "program", basically what they know you can achieve on each machine based on a physical assessment they do at the start.
Coolest part about this Gym is that all the machines are on a key tog system. You insert the key into the tredmill or the abdductor machine and it programs the machine to set itself to the specifications set in your program. You CAN change it on the machine...for instance, if lifting 30kg is too light, you can change it to 35kg or whatever, but when you "Check out" at the end of your gym session on this little kiosk at the door, it will tell you which exercises you haven't completed, or which ones you've done more training than your program expects you to do. It's really cool. And it's hard. I struggle, but it's because I'm out of shape.
4. I FINALLY got the right SD card for my camera. So, I've been taking pictures ALOT and messing around with my cool new Samsung Multiview camera. There's some really odd, but really cool things it can do.
My husband's head on a graffiti wall and on the cover of a newspaper, courtesy of the "Magic Frame" feature.
Again, my husband, the subject of every shot practically. This time messing around with level, brightness, and contrast.
A week or so ago we went up to Mum's house and took the dogs for a walk through the fields. I brought my camera to mess around with some scenic photography...and got some of my husband and the dogs too.

This is one of the 'vintage' effects, making it look like an old timey photo with the center somewhat faded and the corners of the picture dark.
And I'm not sure if these will come out full view, but these are some panoramic shots my camera took from the top of the hill. Look at all that beautiful countryside.
Those are the highlights for now, for those of you who want to keep up on all the latest news.
Hopefully I'll write again soon,
Jenny V