Today James and I were woken up by his mother. Alice wanted James to drive her into town to her appointment at the lens/glasses place for an eye examination or something. So, we got up, got ready within like 15 minutes and drove into town.
Sam hitched a ride as well, and Tony doesn't go anywhere without mummy on the weekends, total, we had a noisy car full of Vidlers. It was VERY loud and VERY annoying. I tried to keep the peace and shut people up (Mostly Sam fighting with his mum about giving him money) so that James could drive without any bickering.
Once in town, we seperated from the rest of the family, then James and I went to the barber to get his hair cut. He's been wanting to get his hair cut before Christmas and his barber has been closed; it finally was open, so we decided to go in.
After that, we went home, watched Sherlock Holmes on TV, (by this time his mum and Tony had taken the bus back home) made some fish n chips for lunch....and then I went upstairs to take a nap. Like an hour or two later, James came upstairs to see me. He said that his mum was going to book a slot to have grocery shopping delivered, but couldn't get one, so she wanted to be taken out shopping. So.....James and I took her into town again for shopping.
It took us a good hour and a half, wandering up and down the isles before we had a huge trolley full of food.
And when we got home, I cooked dinner.....Salmon(with Butter and lemon), Rice, and broccolli. It was okay, but not as good as mum's....AND i forgot to look for Salmon without that was a challenge for me to eat. :( I hate little tiny bones. :(
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
So today....didn't start off well. Last night I was all excited for today because James was going to spoil me by taking me to get my massage that he bought me for Christmas, and then out to lunch, and whatever else he came up with.
However....this morning his mum knocked on the door and said the she talked to the lady at the spa and apparently the girl that's doing one of my treatments (cause James paid for 4 parts-massage, mani/pedi, and something else....) called in because 'the snow was really bad' where she lived. There was BARELY any snow ANYWHERE and it all melted within a few hours. ((I told James, '5 quid it was the manicure lady. Prim and prissy little dainty things they are. *mocking her* "oh my god, there's snow on the ground. It's gonna get my nice boots all wet. ewwww! I'm just going to call in...."))
*sigh* I digress. I was a bit depressed at first because I built today up so much, massage. I was really looking forward to it because my lower back has been killing me lately.
James and I distracted me from being depressed by going and shopping at Morrisons and wandering about town for a bit. At Morrisons, we picked up a collection of different Ciders, which we on special offer 4 for 5 quid, and in the isle I found this:

I turned to James and asked, "I you think this Cider is Dry or Sweet?" I found it quite funny that it's said Dry about 5 times. XD
We also picked up a few DVDs that were cheap. When we got home we watched one of them (Leap Year), then had some Spaghetti Bolinaise, watched part of another one downstairs when the boys got home (an episode and a half of An Idiot Abroad, which is hilarious), then went upstairs to watch the third one we've bought (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). I had sampled a few on my ciders, so I fell asleep through half of Nick and Norah.....then woke up just in time to get ready and go out for dinner.
James took me to an Italian restaurant in Ledbury called The Olive Tree. REALLY good. More Italian than Olive Garden, but probably less so than any Italian place that's served 'family style'. This place did it plate by plate and was quite expensive. James paid, but I was kind....I pick what I wanted, but on the cheaper side.

......I ordered a Latte at the end. I don't normally like coffee, but James said that it's a very very weak coffee and it's more steamed milk than anything else, so I gave it a shot since he was having a coffee. Yeah......never again. I was very weary of that latte, but I drank it.....the proceeded to feel sick.
However....this morning his mum knocked on the door and said the she talked to the lady at the spa and apparently the girl that's doing one of my treatments (cause James paid for 4 parts-massage, mani/pedi, and something else....) called in because 'the snow was really bad' where she lived. There was BARELY any snow ANYWHERE and it all melted within a few hours. ((I told James, '5 quid it was the manicure lady. Prim and prissy little dainty things they are. *mocking her* "oh my god, there's snow on the ground. It's gonna get my nice boots all wet. ewwww! I'm just going to call in...."))
*sigh* I digress. I was a bit depressed at first because I built today up so much, massage. I was really looking forward to it because my lower back has been killing me lately.
James and I distracted me from being depressed by going and shopping at Morrisons and wandering about town for a bit. At Morrisons, we picked up a collection of different Ciders, which we on special offer 4 for 5 quid, and in the isle I found this:
I turned to James and asked, "I you think this Cider is Dry or Sweet?" I found it quite funny that it's said Dry about 5 times. XD
We also picked up a few DVDs that were cheap. When we got home we watched one of them (Leap Year), then had some Spaghetti Bolinaise, watched part of another one downstairs when the boys got home (an episode and a half of An Idiot Abroad, which is hilarious), then went upstairs to watch the third one we've bought (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). I had sampled a few on my ciders, so I fell asleep through half of Nick and Norah.....then woke up just in time to get ready and go out for dinner.
James took me to an Italian restaurant in Ledbury called The Olive Tree. REALLY good. More Italian than Olive Garden, but probably less so than any Italian place that's served 'family style'. This place did it plate by plate and was quite expensive. James paid, but I was kind....I pick what I wanted, but on the cheaper side.
......I ordered a Latte at the end. I don't normally like coffee, but James said that it's a very very weak coffee and it's more steamed milk than anything else, so I gave it a shot since he was having a coffee. Yeah......never again. I was very weary of that latte, but I drank it.....the proceeded to feel sick.
We had a quick drink in a pub, The Seven Stars, which was down the street from the restaurant before heading back to the car. By the time we got home I was alright.
Just relaxing now, watching TV before bed.
oh! and I had to register for class today. I was really supposed to do it yesterday but I forgot, until Sean posted something about registering on his facebook status, so I quickly did that this morning. I only registered for one class, Scene Performance, and it came out to just over 100 dollars. CRAZY! And depending on certain circumstance, I may audition for the Spring play, so it'll be a bit more. ...meh, that's all for now.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
"We're WELL in WALES!"
Today James and I ventured beyond the point of no return.....Wales.
I have a thing about Wales.....everything is in Welsh, the locals are annoying, and in Cardiff the rip you off. As you can probably guess, the times I've been to Wales have not been good ones....well until James started easing me back into Wales and keeping me FAR away from Cardiff. I digress.
Today started with James making me breakfast while I got ready upstairs. He was cooking eggs and toast when I came down and when he served me up a plate then asked if I wanted anything else, and I replied, "Do we have any mushrooms?" the sneaky git pulled some already fried up mushrooms out of the oven. He had already cooked some and was keeping it hot for me. :) He knows what I love and I love him for it. :)
After breaky we set off for Raglan Castle in Wales. Raglan Castle is the last ancient Castle to be built in Wales. It was used as sort of a leisurely Castle, not a battle fortress like most castle were, and had many 'apartment' buildings to house loads of residents. The Castle was attacked sometime in the early 1800s, and soon after that, to make sure that no one else could inhabit the castle, the owners of the castle caused more damage to the castle trying to tear it down. And what was left is what James and I saw today:

I can see our car from here!

oh Wales......why do you have to be so welsh?
I have a thing about Wales.....everything is in Welsh, the locals are annoying, and in Cardiff the rip you off. As you can probably guess, the times I've been to Wales have not been good ones....well until James started easing me back into Wales and keeping me FAR away from Cardiff. I digress.
Today started with James making me breakfast while I got ready upstairs. He was cooking eggs and toast when I came down and when he served me up a plate then asked if I wanted anything else, and I replied, "Do we have any mushrooms?" the sneaky git pulled some already fried up mushrooms out of the oven. He had already cooked some and was keeping it hot for me. :) He knows what I love and I love him for it. :)
After breaky we set off for Raglan Castle in Wales. Raglan Castle is the last ancient Castle to be built in Wales. It was used as sort of a leisurely Castle, not a battle fortress like most castle were, and had many 'apartment' buildings to house loads of residents. The Castle was attacked sometime in the early 1800s, and soon after that, to make sure that no one else could inhabit the castle, the owners of the castle caused more damage to the castle trying to tear it down. And what was left is what James and I saw today:
Veiws of the front of Raglan Castle.
We went up the tall tower, because there were stairs leading up there. These are the veiws from the top:
The inside of the tower.....basically a bunch of rooms. the holes in the wall you see are old doorways and fireplaces on different floors. Usually castles had 3 floors.
I can see our car from here!
oh Wales......why do you have to be so welsh?
James on some stairs. These were MASSIVE stairs for a castle. Usually Castle stairs are spirally and REALLY tiny.

A stairway leading to.....the moat? oh no! Don't fall in!

Here you can see a bow and arrow(the cross) and gun (the circle below) ports in the wall. The first picture is the more original design. The second is clearly more destroyed after the castle was attacked.

Map of the Castle.

James by a set of stairs leading to a damp room.

The damp room (literally it was a stone roofing all around, but the water was seeping through like you see in movies).

Pictures of one of the courtyards outside the East end(I think) apartments.
The Castle When it was built.

The Castle after it was destroyed.

James 'The Waiter' outside one of the 'Service Windows' that they passed food from the service area to the Dining Hall.

This was cool....the gift shop/entrance was built off of the old castle wall. So in this picture you can see the stone wall of the old castle, and then towards the left you can see the rest of the 'gift shop building' which is obviously new.
Here you can see a bow and arrow(the cross) and gun (the circle below) ports in the wall. The first picture is the more original design. The second is clearly more destroyed after the castle was attacked.
Map of the Castle.
James by a set of stairs leading to a damp room.
The damp room (literally it was a stone roofing all around, but the water was seeping through like you see in movies).
Pictures of one of the courtyards outside the East end(I think) apartments.
The Castle When it was built.
The Castle after it was destroyed.
James 'The Waiter' outside one of the 'Service Windows' that they passed food from the service area to the Dining Hall.
This was cool....the gift shop/entrance was built off of the old castle wall. So in this picture you can see the stone wall of the old castle, and then towards the left you can see the rest of the 'gift shop building' which is obviously new.
After Raglan Castle we hit up the town of Hay-on-Wye, which is really famous for their book shops. We got their around 3:30ish, so things were starting to close up, but we got to look at some cool shops. One of the book shops we went into had a First Edition of Kiddnapped, the book I got yesterday(but not 1st ed), behind a glass case. Talking to the shoppe keep about it, I found out that it's a first edition, but the binding had been redone because the old one was so bad it was devaluing the book. Personally my copy looks older and cooler AND I on;y got it for 50p. this lady was asking for 300 pounds for the first edition.
After we shopped about the town for a bit we went into a pub in Hay on Wye called The Blue Boar to have dinner.
It was pretty good. James and I both had Game Pie Pastry with Chips and veg. It was actually really good. Kind of like a Steak and Ale Pie, but with Game....and by that it could mean anything from Guinea Fowl, Pigeon, Pheasant...yeah you get the point.
SCORE! at the book store
Last night was quite bad; James couldn’t get to sleep because he had an asthma attack which kept him up all night, and his inhaler ran out. So, in the morning his mum called the hospital pharmacy to set up a pick-up time for a new inhaler.
We had a nice lay in, then took a walk down to the dam with Tilly.

We had a nice lay in, then took a walk down to the dam with Tilly.
We got around to picking up his inhaler around 3pm, then went out with James Sr. to help him pick out a watch for Harry's 18th Birthday, which is tomorrow. It's sort of the Vidler family tradition that when a son turns 18 he gets a nice watch for his birthday.
After getting Harry's watch and a birthday card, we went to Costa and had some coffee (hot chocolate for me), and a nice chat. I think James Sr. is getting more comfortable with me; James thinks so too because James Sr. pokes fun at me like he does with all his sons.
After that, we stayed in town for a bit longer and James took me to one of the second hand book shops. I got some goooooood stuff: a one-act play in french called "La Grammaire" dated 1936; A copy of Moby Dick from 1953; The oldest copy of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" that I've ever seen, with a preface dated 1871 and publishing year in Roman Numerals--M DCCC XC (which I think is 1890); and a Tusitala Second Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Kidnapped" dated 1924. All of the books I have I was drawn to by their old bindings, but who knew they'd date so old. It's quite fascinating.
All the time we spent in the book store brought us to about 5:30pm. So, we headed home, got petrol on the way and then chilled out until dinner. During dinner James got a little cross with me because he doesn't like it when I don't take his side. Harry and James were fighting over Harry's decision to sell his car, get a new one so his insurance would go down. James kept lecturing Harry on what a bad idea it was (and when they argue in this house, even just slightly, it sounds like massive yelling….no one can keep their temper down), so I stepped in and told James "You're not his dad and It's Harry's decision. You can't play father all the time. Just cool down…."
James didn't like that so he left the table and wouldn't speak to me. So, after a while of cooling down, we went out to the cinema in Newport(Wales) like we planned, to see The Tourist. Pretty good film, I'd say.
Well, now we're back home and I'm tried. ttyl
After getting Harry's watch and a birthday card, we went to Costa and had some coffee (hot chocolate for me), and a nice chat. I think James Sr. is getting more comfortable with me; James thinks so too because James Sr. pokes fun at me like he does with all his sons.
After that, we stayed in town for a bit longer and James took me to one of the second hand book shops. I got some goooooood stuff: a one-act play in french called "La Grammaire" dated 1936; A copy of Moby Dick from 1953; The oldest copy of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" that I've ever seen, with a preface dated 1871 and publishing year in Roman Numerals--M DCCC XC (which I think is 1890); and a Tusitala Second Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Kidnapped" dated 1924. All of the books I have I was drawn to by their old bindings, but who knew they'd date so old. It's quite fascinating.
All the time we spent in the book store brought us to about 5:30pm. So, we headed home, got petrol on the way and then chilled out until dinner. During dinner James got a little cross with me because he doesn't like it when I don't take his side. Harry and James were fighting over Harry's decision to sell his car, get a new one so his insurance would go down. James kept lecturing Harry on what a bad idea it was (and when they argue in this house, even just slightly, it sounds like massive yelling….no one can keep their temper down), so I stepped in and told James "You're not his dad and It's Harry's decision. You can't play father all the time. Just cool down…."
James didn't like that so he left the table and wouldn't speak to me. So, after a while of cooling down, we went out to the cinema in Newport(Wales) like we planned, to see The Tourist. Pretty good film, I'd say.
Well, now we're back home and I'm tried. ttyl
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
We got Sky HD!
So the big news today is that the Vidlers got a HD TV in the living room and a new Sky Cable box(sky is a network here just like AT&T Uverse or w/e). ANYWAY! The Sky man came round to install it at 8:30am, which woke James and I up and we had to get up and show him where things were, like the phone jack in our room.
The old set up: 1 really old clunky TV in the living room, that everyone shared to watch tv programs(interestingly enough....all the rooms have TVs, but none with cable: Harry, Sam and James each use their TVs to veiw DVDs or play on their gaming systems).
The NEW set up: Brand new HD TV in the livingroom for everyone to share and a new Sky Cable box with HD channels. Since the old Sky box(normal cable, without HD channels) is no longer needed downstairs, we had the guy install it in James and my room for just a tenner more. So, now, James and I have cable in our room and don't have to fight the rest of his family for the right to watch TV downstairs (unless we REALLY want to watch something in HD on the HD TV).
So.....after the Sky guy started doing his thing...the TV delivery man came round, so when the Sky guy was done, we wanted to quickly put together the TV and have him set up Sky on the new TV before he left. Sam and James were trying to put together the TV (basically screw the stand onto the bottom of the TV), but were being a bit slow, so I got to feel all techie and show them how it's done. *gloat*
We got it all squared away, Sky boxes installed, had some breakfast--bob's your uncle. :) Everything's okie dokie.
Not much really happened the rest of the day except James and I commandeered the front room to watch Scott Pilgram Vs. The World which we got on Blu Ray, so we wanted to watch it on the HD one really complained. We just kept having to kick Tony out of the living room because he kept coming in just to get attention. I was trying to be patient, but James wasn't having it. Tony does get annoying after a while because he doesn't have any patience; Sean, my 4 year old nephew is 2 years younger than Tony and has LOADS more maturity and patience than Tony does. I guess that's the product of being a spoiled child with no discipline.
James and I are hoping to get out of the house tomorrow to do something, but we were just so tired from waking up for the Sky delivery and James was feeling a bit off today--sore throat. Hopefully tomorrow will be alright.
The old set up: 1 really old clunky TV in the living room, that everyone shared to watch tv programs(interestingly enough....all the rooms have TVs, but none with cable: Harry, Sam and James each use their TVs to veiw DVDs or play on their gaming systems).
The NEW set up: Brand new HD TV in the livingroom for everyone to share and a new Sky Cable box with HD channels. Since the old Sky box(normal cable, without HD channels) is no longer needed downstairs, we had the guy install it in James and my room for just a tenner more. So, now, James and I have cable in our room and don't have to fight the rest of his family for the right to watch TV downstairs (unless we REALLY want to watch something in HD on the HD TV).
So.....after the Sky guy started doing his thing...the TV delivery man came round, so when the Sky guy was done, we wanted to quickly put together the TV and have him set up Sky on the new TV before he left. Sam and James were trying to put together the TV (basically screw the stand onto the bottom of the TV), but were being a bit slow, so I got to feel all techie and show them how it's done. *gloat*
We got it all squared away, Sky boxes installed, had some breakfast--bob's your uncle. :) Everything's okie dokie.
Not much really happened the rest of the day except James and I commandeered the front room to watch Scott Pilgram Vs. The World which we got on Blu Ray, so we wanted to watch it on the HD one really complained. We just kept having to kick Tony out of the living room because he kept coming in just to get attention. I was trying to be patient, but James wasn't having it. Tony does get annoying after a while because he doesn't have any patience; Sean, my 4 year old nephew is 2 years younger than Tony and has LOADS more maturity and patience than Tony does. I guess that's the product of being a spoiled child with no discipline.
James and I are hoping to get out of the house tomorrow to do something, but we were just so tired from waking up for the Sky delivery and James was feeling a bit off today--sore throat. Hopefully tomorrow will be alright.
A Walk in the Forest and a Drink at the Pub
Short Blog again cause I'm well tired.
James woke up this morning at 8 to go into the hotel to clean the pipes. I kept sleeping(typical me). He came back round 11ish, and I finally woke up. We had a nice breakfast, then went to a part of The Forest of Dean to go take Tilly for a walk.
England must have gotten jealous of my native Californian land, because it started lightly snowing today while we were walking Tilly. But I don't mind. :) I like the snow and it's fascinating to actually watch it fall....especially when you're walking through a forest and it's silent all around except for the crunching of the leaves when snow falls on the ground.

James woke up this morning at 8 to go into the hotel to clean the pipes. I kept sleeping(typical me). He came back round 11ish, and I finally woke up. We had a nice breakfast, then went to a part of The Forest of Dean to go take Tilly for a walk.
England must have gotten jealous of my native Californian land, because it started lightly snowing today while we were walking Tilly. But I don't mind. :) I like the snow and it's fascinating to actually watch it fall....especially when you're walking through a forest and it's silent all around except for the crunching of the leaves when snow falls on the ground.
After that we came back home to have some burgers, chips and salad....then chilled out watching TV and movies until about 6:30. James' workmate Shelley is moving to Florida(to be with her fiance) so she had a sort of going away get together at The Royal. James asked ahead of time if I could tag along and Shelley was more than generous when inviting me to come as well. She's a nice girl and James is good friends with her so I'm sure he'll miss her.
All in all it was a good night. We spent from about 7pm til about 10pm in the pub, just eating, drinking and having a laugh. I mostly talked with James, Shelley and a few other workmates: Shane and Becky. Both are funny people. Becky's a bit odd but so funny. She has sort of a dead-pan delivery when telling a joke or taking the piss; she acts so serious, but she's well funny. And then Shane is a goofball. Sometimes you can tell he jokes around too much and is a bit immature, but he's good fun and I really enjoyed us taking the piss out of each other even though we've hardly met.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Slow ride....take it easy
Not a busy day. I considered today to be my hangover/recovery day. I slept til 2pm....and I liked it. :) I needed sleep and lots of it.
James woke up at like 11:30, and I just stayed sleeping until 2pm. I got up, found James watching another football match. When half time came around he made us some breakfast, we ate breakfast and watched the rest of the match.
Hung out in James' room for a bit, then he had to start making dinner for him family. We had pork, mash, and veg. it was alright. I liked how James(in all his chefy-ness) plates dinner up all nice.
After dinner we hung out, watched Zombieland and then I got to talk with my parents for a bit. That's basically it.
Goodnight ya'll.
James woke up at like 11:30, and I just stayed sleeping until 2pm. I got up, found James watching another football match. When half time came around he made us some breakfast, we ate breakfast and watched the rest of the match.
Hung out in James' room for a bit, then he had to start making dinner for him family. We had pork, mash, and veg. it was alright. I liked how James(in all his chefy-ness) plates dinner up all nice.
After dinner we hung out, watched Zombieland and then I got to talk with my parents for a bit. That's basically it.
Goodnight ya'll.
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