Last night Ben came home absolutely knackered...yet we stayed up for dinner at 8(which was quite lovely) and then stayed up til about 11 watching Date Movie on TV. He was cute and cuddly last night too. ^^
Something I picked up on, and I'm sure you'll see video footage of this sometime, is that Ben LOVE LOVE LOVES this one voice I do. I go into my little girly voice(that makes me sound like I'm 6) and say "Why so sad Panda Bear?" or some variation of that saying. So far there's been, "No Panda Bear" "bad panda bear" (he keeps on insisting on "badass panda bear" which I keep telling him 'no, that doesn't work at all') "why so grumpy panda bear" "why so sad panda bear" "you make me happy panda bear" "you make me sad panda bear" etc etc etc..... I thought that was cute. That voice always makes him smile, even after a grumpy day at work.
Today was just another lifeless day. Did Laundry (Ben's and mine. haha I've become Holly Housewife), walked the Muppets, and watched Watchmen.
Funny, I've come all this way just to sit around the house all day, like I used to at home, and watch movies on the computer. haha funny old world i'dnit? Not like I can change that. Ben's at work Fridays and Saturdays so he's not home. No cars around, no one to play with me and take me out on the town. *sigh* oh well....Monday will come around and then Ben and I will plan more trips.
That's all.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thinking--the worst pasttime--it gets you into trouble
Nothing new and exciting to report about yesterday and (so far) today. Yesterday just sat around with Ben watching TV and such. Today, Ben's at work so I've been watching movies online on his laptop ('Confessions of a Shopaholic' and 'How to Lose Friends & Alienate People').
Allow me to vent for a brief moment. I find that typing out my feelings in a public domain (whether anyone reads it or not) helps me to remain calm in real life.
I've been a bit mopey lately. I've been thinking alot about love. Do I love Ben? Do I love someone else? Someone British? Someone American? Someone anywhere else but here? How does one tell if they are in love? I've heard many definitions of what love is and how it should feel (mostly from movies and books and songs and poems), but which is the true tell-tale sign of true love? I do not know. I can only ponder and wish that it will be made known to me in time.
Allow me to vent for a brief moment. I find that typing out my feelings in a public domain (whether anyone reads it or not) helps me to remain calm in real life.
I've been a bit mopey lately. I've been thinking alot about love. Do I love Ben? Do I love someone else? Someone British? Someone American? Someone anywhere else but here? How does one tell if they are in love? I've heard many definitions of what love is and how it should feel (mostly from movies and books and songs and poems), but which is the true tell-tale sign of true love? I do not know. I can only ponder and wish that it will be made known to me in time.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Returning to my California Roots
So...remember when I said I only had 4 hours of sleep and I was till going strong? Yeah, about 2 hours after that I feel asleep for, hmmm, 5 hours. Then this morning, I slept in until.....11am. Just like me when I'm at home, eh mom? hehe So I'm officially caught up on sleep.
Yesterday Ben took his car to the garage for service and repairs, so he's without a car until Friday. So that means that he and I are stuck at home unless someone comes to visit and take us out or something.
Since he didn't have a car (and I slept half the day away) we didn't do much yesterday. Mainly just stayed home and watched Nacho Libre and part of The Libertine on TV before going to sleep. Ben was really tired because before he could take a nap his mum and sister woke him up to find a bottle or something (probably to go feed the baby sheeps).
This was before the beach trip, but an interesting thought: Ben reckons that I've become more tan (or less pasty white) since I've been here. How sad would that be to come home from the cloudy UK and be tan? Weird. I reckon it's because I'm out in the feilds frolicing around wanting to see the whole countryside(or at least Ben's land) and I'm not cooped up at home 24/7 on the internet or in a classroom or office. At least that's how it worked in ancient times for the English: the peasants outside working all the time were darker and the royals who stay inside all day were pasty white. It makes sence.
The last little bit worth mentioning is that the Russells have barn cats that aren't normally allowd in the house. Well yesterday Ben and I were waiting upstairs in his room watching youtube videos on his computer, waiting for dinner to be called, and there 2 little kitties were on the landing outside his room. They are ADORABLE! I want to just take them home with well as Ben's dog Tang(such a good dog)...
One of the kitties, Daisy, came into Ben's room, jumped onto the bed and started nuzzling and cuddling with me. I want that kitty so bad. She just sat in my lap and curled up and started kneeding my legs. It was one of the most adorable kitties I have ever seen. I wish my cat would be like that...hmm...anyways...
that's all I have to truely report.
Yesterday Ben took his car to the garage for service and repairs, so he's without a car until Friday. So that means that he and I are stuck at home unless someone comes to visit and take us out or something.
Since he didn't have a car (and I slept half the day away) we didn't do much yesterday. Mainly just stayed home and watched Nacho Libre and part of The Libertine on TV before going to sleep. Ben was really tired because before he could take a nap his mum and sister woke him up to find a bottle or something (probably to go feed the baby sheeps).
This was before the beach trip, but an interesting thought: Ben reckons that I've become more tan (or less pasty white) since I've been here. How sad would that be to come home from the cloudy UK and be tan? Weird. I reckon it's because I'm out in the feilds frolicing around wanting to see the whole countryside(or at least Ben's land) and I'm not cooped up at home 24/7 on the internet or in a classroom or office. At least that's how it worked in ancient times for the English: the peasants outside working all the time were darker and the royals who stay inside all day were pasty white. It makes sence.
The last little bit worth mentioning is that the Russells have barn cats that aren't normally allowd in the house. Well yesterday Ben and I were waiting upstairs in his room watching youtube videos on his computer, waiting for dinner to be called, and there 2 little kitties were on the landing outside his room. They are ADORABLE! I want to just take them home with well as Ben's dog Tang(such a good dog)...
One of the kitties, Daisy, came into Ben's room, jumped onto the bed and started nuzzling and cuddling with me. I want that kitty so bad. She just sat in my lap and curled up and started kneeding my legs. It was one of the most adorable kitties I have ever seen. I wish my cat would be like that...hmm...anyways...
that's all I have to truely report.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Jenny likes playtime....tehehe
((WEATHER UPDATE: It is currently windy and Raining. Absolutely Lovely. ^^ Clouds Clouds Clouds and Rain Rain Rain today after a very lovely sunny blue sky yesterday. This makes me metaphorically jizz in my pants. ^^))
The weather was perfect going down to the beach. No clouds, LOTS of Sun and it was actually hot. It got up to about 17*C which is nice weather here.
We had a 2 hour drive and only stayed at the beach like an hour and a half, but it was still eventful. The Boys drew sand people
After kiss tag (and I have this on video recording, so I'm sure I'll put it up on yotube once I get home) Ben and Adam started getting into the thing that ALL guys to: mimic battles. Look at this clip from the British TV series Spaced and you'll see what I'm talking about. ^^ It's really awesome seeing it go down with two's absolutely hilarious actually.
Here's the rest of pictures from the beach with commentary cause I can't be arsed to talk about it anymore.....then we'll move on to the rest of the day.
We got home from the beach about 8-8:30 and had the idea to go to the pub and then Adam's house for the night. ^^ Good plan. It was very much fun for me. Nothing drunk yet....but I'm sure I'll have fun one of these nights seeing these two (and probably others) get comepletely pissed. For some weird reason I hate the idea or drinking, yet I love watching drunk people. Drunk people are fun. :D
We went to the Pembroke which is not even a 5 minute walk from Adam's house. Played pool:

I lost against Ben first, then Beat Adam by about 5 balls. heheh yessssss. I do have to say one thing about me losing to Ben...I'm pretty sure I lost because I was distracted. He is WELL hot when playing pool. Form, figure, a cue in his hands.....:D I was distracted. He's hot. EVen hotter when he's concentrating on pool. mmmmmm I'm blushing just thinking about it hehehe.
Went back to Adam's at about 1ish. Then kept on chatting (and being moody at some points) with both of them until Ben went to bed about 2am, then I just stayed up chatting with Adam until I got somewhat tired and realized it was about 5am. haha What can I say, I'm a night owl. I love the crazy nightlife and my little 'adventures' out with friends.

Right that's all I can manage blog wise today. I think Ben's getting tired of watching me type again. ^^
P.S. oh, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm still going....yay. We'll see how long it lasts.
We went to the Pembroke which is not even a 5 minute walk from Adam's house. Played pool:
Went back to Adam's at about 1ish. Then kept on chatting (and being moody at some points) with both of them until Ben went to bed about 2am, then I just stayed up chatting with Adam until I got somewhat tired and realized it was about 5am. haha What can I say, I'm a night owl. I love the crazy nightlife and my little 'adventures' out with friends.
P.S. oh, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm still going....yay. We'll see how long it lasts.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"It's a CASTLE!!!!!!"
Things we did at Warwick Castle/explinations of pictures....
-Walked up '530 Steep Steps'. It was one way only and the steeps were REALLY steep. My legs still hate me when I have to go upstairs to my room at the Russells. There was also a point at the top of one of the stairwells where there was a small little nook, so I fit myself in there and took a picture.
-We went into the main part of the castle (or at least the bit where they house all the museamy type stuff...all the different rooms of the castle--chamberooms, drawing rooms, etc--with wax figures) and such.
-I didn't get pictures of this, but there was a trebuchet on the lawn down by the river and there were a bunch of school children getting to talk to the 'Knight' who ran the trebuchet. The 'Knight' pick one of the kids in the crowd (who was 6 by the way *sqweals* SO ADORABLE!) put a metal helmet on him and made the kid hold a broadsword with two hands so that he could steady it. It was SO CUTE and I couldn't stop 'awww'ing over that. ^^
Other than that we walked all up and down the hills and walkways at Warwick Castle and Ben made fun of me getting excited about things...I got mad at him for a bit, but that was easily reconciled.
We went onward to Stratford after the Castle. First of all we were REALLY hungry and desperate for food so we parked, walked like 5 minutes and found SOME PLACE that looked like an okay almost like a pub type place...yeah....It was more of a tea room but whatever. There was food and Jenny was hungry. We had lunch there then walked towards the River Avon, wandered around a bit, found some Shakespeare type places (RST and Shakespeare memorabilia shops) and I found a book store that I dragged Ben in as well. I didn't want to torture Ben too much so we didn't go on any of the tours through Anne Hathaway's House or Shakespeare's Houses (I think there were like 2 others), BUT I DID get to hear some shakespeare. ^^
Outside one of the Shakespeare shops(on the back terrace) you can see the back yard of one of the Shakespeare houses. IN that garden (from which outside the Shakespeare shop you can clearly see and hear what was going on) there were people in Period clothing acting out a scene from Macbeth ("And if we shall fail?...."). It made me quite happy. ^^ Ben was like ¬.¬' "whatever."
I got souvenirs from Warwick Castle (a map of Herefordshire, where Ben lives, but in the 16oo's) and Startford (Quill and Ink, which I have been wanting to buy for the longest time) so with that, getting pictures, spending time in new interesting places, and hanging out with Ben I consider it a very eventful and satisfying day.
Jenny out.
Monday, June 15, 2009
All About Town
Yesterday Ben took me on a drive(with me insisting "Let's GO somewhere! Show me your town or something") through his town and around another town. It was quite fun. He drove past places and told me 'theres where I played rugby', 'that's my work', etc. It was nice to know those little rural bits of knowledge that only he would know and share about his town. Quite lovely really.
I stole Ben's Hat for the picture above. ^^ I think it suits me in a way. I like the oh so bohemien type look. But it looks SOOOOOO much better on him. He's got nice hair, but he's even sexier with his hat on. *sqweeeeeeeeeee* Yeah....I'll stop fan girling now. :(
Ben took me to Clee Hill First, which was Great Great fun. ^^ It's This HUGE hill(or rather lumps and mounds that make hills and oh so nice scenery). That's where Ben and Adam filmed their famous 'Man Eating Sheep' video on youtube.
It was really nice and peaceful up there and quite fun to run up and down hills as well...and having Ben tell me to stay away from the 'man eating sheep' (Me: But they're MAN eating sheep. I'm a woman so I'll be okay. *Cheeky Grin*)
After Clee Hill we went to Ludlow and wandered around. It was a Sunday so shops closed early and we were wandering around for a while trying to find a store open so we could find drinks. It was California hot yesterday, which was weird but nice. A bit of home brought to the Shire for me. :) Yeah...we walked alot, saw places, that's pretty much summing up yesterday.
Well, we're off to Warwick today! I'll blog about it all later.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
la dee da
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