Saturday, June 20, 2009

I travelled 5000 for WHAT?

Last night Ben came home absolutely knackered...yet we stayed up for dinner at 8(which was quite lovely) and then stayed up til about 11 watching Date Movie on TV. He was cute and cuddly last night too. ^^

Something I picked up on, and I'm sure you'll see video footage of this sometime, is that Ben LOVE LOVE LOVES this one voice I do. I go into my little girly voice(that makes me sound like I'm 6) and say "Why so sad Panda Bear?" or some variation of that saying. So far there's been, "No Panda Bear" "bad panda bear" (he keeps on insisting on "badass panda bear" which I keep telling him 'no, that doesn't work at all') "why so grumpy panda bear" "why so sad panda bear" "you make me happy panda bear" "you make me sad panda bear" etc etc etc..... I thought that was cute. That voice always makes him smile, even after a grumpy day at work.

Today was just another lifeless day. Did Laundry (Ben's and mine. haha I've become Holly Housewife), walked the Muppets, and watched Watchmen.

Funny, I've come all this way just to sit around the house all day, like I used to at home, and watch movies on the computer. haha funny old world i'dnit? Not like I can change that. Ben's at work Fridays and Saturdays so he's not home. No cars around, no one to play with me and take me out on the town. *sigh* oh well....Monday will come around and then Ben and I will plan more trips.

That's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you made contact with Raelene's companion in Nottingham? Maybe there's a time when you could visit her.
