Blogger has been weird for me lately; I’ve tried posting this blog a few times before, but FINALLY it’s letting me post.
Quite a few weeks back(‘bout mid September) the Hubby and I took 3 days off and went to Aberdovey, Wales for the weekend to hang out with "the group". The group consists of his old High School/College Friends.....Ben(Russ), Chris, Louise, and Emily. Sometimes there's others, but in this instance it was just the 6 of us.
Aberdovey is lovey but about a 3 and a half hour drive for us. We started out relatively early(5pm roughly, when hubby got off work Saturday night), and drove until we reached Aderdovey when it got dark.
The last hour of our journey was the scariest because it was getting dark, we had never driven this route before and the roads were up, down, winding, and taking us through NOWHERESVILLE....population: sheep (and maybe the odd farmer).

It look beautiful in the picture, but at night it’s SUPER scary to drive through. It felt like, if we broke down....we’d get raped/murdered in the middle of nowhere where our screams couldn’t be heard. The kicker of the towns in this nowhereland was called “Dylife”...die life. Oh...that makes us feel alot better.
In the daytime however, it was a beautiful, quite little seaside town. 

A family friend of Louise’s owns a flat in the town that she doesn’t use anymore, so we stayed there for free. To say thank you for having the gang over, I made cupcakes!
Mostly the entire weekend we drank, ate junk food, and just hung out.
First night we were there we went down to the pier, which was cool, and hung out on a little wooden deck underneath the pier until about 2am.
The second night we went crab fishing. I’d been before in California, but that was in a bay, and no where near as rough waters as where we were fishing this time. Needless to say....I didn’t catch any, but other people did! Here’s Emily with the crab that Rob caught:
We played games, and I taught the gang how to play Hand and Foot.
We hung out at the beach and chilled on the sand dunes. Some of us were even brave enough to jump off the Dunes.
One morning I cooked breakfast for 5 of us(this was before Emily got there, she was coming late). Breakfast consisted of 10 pieces of THICK palm-width bacon, 10 pieces of Cumberland size sausages, and about 18 pancakes....all of which was gone in a matter of minutes.
One of the nights we were there someone decided(beforehand) that it’s be a fun idea to go to the pub in suits and cocktail dresses. It was fun to dress up...I needed that. Here’s a picture of the girls....I was too mad that the boys went to the pub before us that I forgot to take a picture of them:
After the 3 day weekend was over, hubby and I drove back to Ross, with enough time to eat and get ready to go out with father in law. He was taking us and harry to a comedy show.
The show itself was great (The comedian, Michael McIntyre is hysterical!), but after continuous nights of no sleep, followed by this comedy show which put us getting home at 1 in the morning and me having to get up and go to work at 9am-6pm the rest of the week, I have been absolutely KNACKERED!
But there we pays to have that much fun. The bonus stuff the week after were:
1. Signed up to and went to my first and second of 10 acting classes at the adult learning centre. I can tell I’m the only one with experience in my class, but it’s still nice to get around people and play theatre games again....I really do miss that.
2. I picked up a cupcake gig via my father in law for October 26th, so that’s coming up.
3. I got a fat paycheck this month(800 pounds) because I’ve been working LOADS of hours and I get 12 hrs holiday pay for my weekend away.
4. Hubby and I went to the safari Park, but I’ll put that on a separate blog. .....