I am fully aware that my child is definitely an adventurer and as we have coined in our household a 'danger baby'. However I never see what's coming next. (Do any parents know, really?)
We had our first settling in visit at the nursery last week and baby boy was completely comfortable with crawling around and away from mama (without looking back). It's a very good sign for us that he's going to settle into nursery quickly and be comfortable without us....but at the same time: Dang baby boy! Can't wait to get rid of mama are you? Alright...bye then. *cries internally*
To be fair, as soon as he learned to crawl he was gone. When he sees something he wants to go after, he will and quite quickly I might add. We find this especially true for the Kitty (he LOVES that cat). So I don't know why I was so surprised when today's little adventure happened.
The way our house is laid out, the sitting room door opens out onto a hallway/foyer where the staircase is right in front of the front door. On the other side of the front door we have a little inside porch bit with some tropical plants hanging on the wall & a sliding glass door to the outside. I went to water the plants in the porch and baby boy follows me out to the foyer.

He's been learning to push himself up to standing, and then sit back down and he does this with the bottom step of the staircase that is BEFORE the stair gate(which is where the banister starts, and where we could pressure fit the gate). I was so busy trying to quickly water the plants that I didn't notice him start to push himself up on the bottom step like he does. I go to fill the watering can, and water the plants on the windowsill of the kitchen and return to find Mush up 5 steps of stairs.
Suffice to say my little mommy heart simultaneously panicked, judging my neglectful parenting ways and thanked my lucky stars that he didn't lose his balance and fall. I had no idea he was going to pick today to attempt and master stair climbing. *mom-panic level hyperventilating* I will be locking that gate from now on and silently judging myself for the rest of time.
After the panic had eased off, I turned on my camera and was able to catch a little bit of the shenanigans. But I think going up 5/6 steps in less than a minute was a tiring feat for little mushmellow. We sang the immigrant song instead, and mommy felt marginally better.