First and foremost I would like to announce the fact that I am a winner.

Yes, Nanowrimo is OVER and I have succeeded in writting (OVER) 50,000 words in Novel form! That entitled me to the above certificate stating "The Office of Letter and Light is proud to certify JENNY VIDLER author of STATE OF MIND a WINNER of National Novel Writing Month 2011".
So, that's a thing. :) I wrote a book. Yay me. and I got a certificate to prove it!
Now that I've finally gotten my life back, it's been work, work, work and shop, shop, shop all boiling down to Christmas.
1. Work. Work for me has been a wonderful experience....unless I'm working with the one person I don't like. 1 guess who that is. Anyway....sometime this month the descision to keep or fire me will be made. Alice, the store supervisor, is hoping that the head office will give her store "the hours" to be able to hire another memeber of staff. Hopefully that will be possible and that memeber of staff will be me.
If not, I've had a great time at Store Twenty One and my employement will come to an end after Christmas. So far, I'm on the router through Dec 30th, with the exception of the 5 days before it when I asked off so that James and I could go to London for his birthday.
I won't have to work on Christmas day. But unfortunately, James WILL have to work. He's continuously working hard to bring home the bacon. He's the one making sure we don't go homeless and hungry (being of the higher wage), but hopefully the hours to the store will be given and I will be able to stay on and work on a regular basis.
I've had some pretty good times in that store. Mistaking 'cushions' for 'pillows' and having the mickey taken out of me(being made fun of, but in a loving way), impressing my supervisors by speaking french, making new friends, learning new things....all good times.
2. When I'm not working, I've been shopping ALOT, it feels like I'm always going out to get another piece of the missing puzzle. This shopping consists of Christmas shopping--presents decorations, etc.
And at the beginning of December, we're done. We've shipped off presents to Cali, bought presents for family members here, and gotten quite a bit of little decorations to living up our flat with Christmas spirit. And today, we got our tree and decorated it. :)

Today we had a LONG lay in (we slept til after noon thirty), then took a trip out to Ledbury where we got our tree from this really sweet tree farm. Then we brought the tree home, set it up, cuddled up and watched a few movies. We still have to get some tinsel garland for the tree, but it's pretty cute and we're happy with it.