Things we did at Warwick Castle/explinations of pictures....
-Walked up '530 Steep Steps'. It was one way only and the steeps were REALLY steep. My legs still hate me when I have to go upstairs to my room at the Russells. There was also a point at the top of one of the stairwells where there was a small little nook, so I fit myself in there and took a picture.
-We went into the main part of the castle (or at least the bit where they house all the museamy type stuff...all the different rooms of the castle--chamberooms, drawing rooms, etc--with wax figures) and such.
-I didn't get pictures of this, but there was a trebuchet on the lawn down by the river and there were a bunch of school children getting to talk to the 'Knight' who ran the trebuchet. The 'Knight' pick one of the kids in the crowd (who was 6 by the way *sqweals* SO ADORABLE!) put a metal helmet on him and made the kid hold a broadsword with two hands so that he could steady it. It was SO CUTE and I couldn't stop 'awww'ing over that. ^^
Other than that we walked all up and down the hills and walkways at Warwick Castle and Ben made fun of me getting excited about things...I got mad at him for a bit, but that was easily reconciled.
We went onward to Stratford after the Castle. First of all we were REALLY hungry and desperate for food so we parked, walked like 5 minutes and found SOME PLACE that looked like an okay almost like a pub type place...yeah....It was more of a tea room but whatever. There was food and Jenny was hungry. We had lunch there then walked towards the River Avon, wandered around a bit, found some Shakespeare type places (RST and Shakespeare memorabilia shops) and I found a book store that I dragged Ben in as well. I didn't want to torture Ben too much so we didn't go on any of the tours through Anne Hathaway's House or Shakespeare's Houses (I think there were like 2 others), BUT I DID get to hear some shakespeare. ^^
Outside one of the Shakespeare shops(on the back terrace) you can see the back yard of one of the Shakespeare houses. IN that garden (from which outside the Shakespeare shop you can clearly see and hear what was going on) there were people in Period clothing acting out a scene from Macbeth ("And if we shall fail?...."). It made me quite happy. ^^ Ben was like ¬.¬' "whatever."
I got souvenirs from Warwick Castle (a map of Herefordshire, where Ben lives, but in the 16oo's) and Startford (Quill and Ink, which I have been wanting to buy for the longest time) so with that, getting pictures, spending time in new interesting places, and hanging out with Ben I consider it a very eventful and satisfying day.
Jenny out.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a great (and exhausting) day. The pictures are fabulous.
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