Thursday, June 18, 2009

Returning to my California Roots

So...remember when I said I only had 4 hours of sleep and I was till going strong? Yeah, about 2 hours after that I feel asleep for, hmmm, 5 hours. Then this morning, I slept in until.....11am. Just like me when I'm at home, eh mom? hehe So I'm officially caught up on sleep.

Yesterday Ben took his car to the garage for service and repairs, so he's without a car until Friday. So that means that he and I are stuck at home unless someone comes to visit and take us out or something.

Since he didn't have a car (and I slept half the day away) we didn't do much yesterday. Mainly just stayed home and watched Nacho Libre and part of The Libertine on TV before going to sleep. Ben was really tired because before he could take a nap his mum and sister woke him up to find a bottle or something (probably to go feed the baby sheeps).

This was before the beach trip, but an interesting thought: Ben reckons that I've become more tan (or less pasty white) since I've been here. How sad would that be to come home from the cloudy UK and be tan? Weird. I reckon it's because I'm out in the feilds frolicing around wanting to see the whole countryside(or at least Ben's land) and I'm not cooped up at home 24/7 on the internet or in a classroom or office. At least that's how it worked in ancient times for the English: the peasants outside working all the time were darker and the royals who stay inside all day were pasty white. It makes sence.

The last little bit worth mentioning is that the Russells have barn cats that aren't normally allowd in the house. Well yesterday Ben and I were waiting upstairs in his room watching youtube videos on his computer, waiting for dinner to be called, and there 2 little kitties were on the landing outside his room. They are ADORABLE! I want to just take them home with well as Ben's dog Tang(such a good dog)...

One of the kitties, Daisy, came into Ben's room, jumped onto the bed and started nuzzling and cuddling with me. I want that kitty so bad. She just sat in my lap and curled up and started kneeding my legs. It was one of the most adorable kitties I have ever seen. I wish my cat would be like that...hmm...anyways...

that's all I have to truely report.

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