There was a certain street/area that I wanted to check out for costume shops and the like. We found one, but Ben didn't let me play dress up with him(I sware he would've looked SO HOT in that Top Hat, but he knocked it off before I could stand back and look at his hotness). Emo Jenny: 0.5
We also found a music shop where I found sheet music, but it was too expensive to buy. :( Emo Jenny (at that point): 0.2
Then we were walking trying to find more shops to go into....I found a record store, and Ben actually seemed interested in this shop, but again...nothing. I didn't find any vinyl that I wanted and they didn't have a very good selection to begin with. Emo Jenny: 1
After we left that shop we walked more and I kept getting frustrated at the street signs cause the map I had only had major streets and I could tell where we were in relation to where I wanted to go. Emo Jenny: 2
Then as I was walking I kept thinking and seeing things like girls that Ben would rather like (I was having one of my girly 'I feel fat days' so....bleh.)...skinny emo type girls and that got me thinking about whether I'm good enough for him, etc etc etc...So Emo Jenny went to about a 2.7 then.....
I kept taking pictures of things too and Stopping and it felt like Ben was annoyed with that(then again he's stoic most of the time, so I can never tell). SO that made me feel more inadequate and I kept walking faster and faster thinking that it'd be better not for him to be seen with with a tourist type person. Emo Jenny: 3
Kept walking faster and faster, wanting to get to the next shopping place(which was Piccadilly on the map). I kept stopping every once in a while to look at my map, but somewhere between the confusion, the frustration and the inadequacy I just went completely stupid and I leaned up against a wall....that had just been painted....(and if any of you mother fuckers mention it to me I will cut your favorite appendages off) I had a moment of stupidity in frustration. So after I realized THAT emo Jenny went to about a 6.
Kept walking faster, wanting to get away from everything and just sit down and cry. But Of course, we were in Piccadilly (it was just around the corner from the paint wall accident) and there were TONS of people and NO benches...I kept walking faster and crying. Emo Jenny went from about a 6 to a 7 when bumping into people...then an 8 when I cried harder and then a 9 and a 10 by the time I sat down somewhere because of Slow people and me wanting to go fast, and being depressed and wanting to eat (so I went into a market and bought a quick handfull of food, paid and left)...and everything.
I finally found a park, went into the back behind trees where no one could see me cry except Ben and sat on a wall to eat. It was really hard to eat while I was crying but my mind couldn't help thinking.
Eventually I finished eating, calmed down, had a little hug session with Ben, I whiped away my tears and he made sure my eyeliner and stuff wasn't running from me crying and we were off back to the hotel at about 3. I relaxed in the hotel, I calmed down, we took a little nap then got up , ate and got ready for the theatre.
Then we were off to the Theatre to see Avenue Q!!!!!
It was an amazing show, at least I thought so. Ben thought is was alright but he laughed and smiled alot during (I can't help but peak. I like to know if usual non-theatre-goers are enjoying themselves. ^^ I take pride in the fact that I've brought them to theatre if they smile...and if not, well...I just feel sad). Daniel Boyes (Yes, from 'Any Dream Will Do' mum...:P) was an amazing lead. He played 2 characters, Princton(the straight lead character) and Rod(the secondary lead gay character)..and he did pretty good americanized accents. And it made me happy to be that close to him.
After the show Ben wanted to go to a we found a pub and Ben had a few rounds of drinks....I only had 1 scrumpy when we went back to the hotel(I had leftover from the party last week). We stayed in the pub for a while but didn't end up actually getting 'home' to the hotel and going to sleep until almost 2am. All in all a fun night/morning tho.
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