RIGHT! ANNOUNCEMENT: Yesterday I said I would add pictures and more commentary to my last blog. Well it's up now, sorry for the wait. I don't know when I'm gonna post my next few blogs until I leave....whenever I have time I guess, whether that's in the morning or evening here(which means 1 or 2 blogs a day for the folks back home i don't know).
Yesterday was a whirlwind of WOAHness. It started off REALLY great and kept getting great and then by the end it kinda plane crashed into the Twin Towers that is Ben and I. (That metaphor made NO sense but I felt like saying something crazy cause I've been watching vlogbrothers).
First good thing was that Ben came down with me for Breakfast. We got down there late so we had to wait a bit for other latecomers to get seated and served first, but we had breakfast eventually. After that I came upstairs, trying to finish blogging as fast as possible and then we left.
We went down to Southwark to go to My favorite place in old-timey London-Shakespeare's Globe Theatre:

That's the view of it from across the river.
Getting to this spot though was fun. Right after we got up from the underground the immediately was little to no people on the streets which I think made Ben very happy--no crowds. But then we went down a few streets and we discovered a Marathon going on.

Ben and I thought it was funny....the big yellow/orange box on the right in this next picture is a speed camera...and Ben leaned over to me, pointed at the camera and said 'They're trying to catch the speeders':

I thought it was very amusing. We kept making fun of the runners and if we saw someone running down another street (obviously not a part of the marathon) we'd say 'woah...someone got lost. :P Anyways...We walked over this queer bridge...it was REALLY strangely designed...to get to the globe and I couldn't stop fidgeting because I was so excited. I paid for our tickets and then we went into the exhibition room to look around and wait for our tour group to be called to take a tour of inside the Globe!
Here are some pictures from the exhibition:
After the tour group got together we were lead into the 2nd tier of the globe's seating and were sat down and heard the tour guide talk about The Globe and Sheakspeare and stuff. Then there were questions to be asked....this one lady annoyed the HELL out of me. She was sitting right next to Ben and it took me all I had to not to smack her when she went on and on about her question. She was an American--sounding southern...I sware she could have slaves back in louisiana or something she was so prim and proper and such an arrogant--I'm getting ahead of myself. ANYWAY! SHe saked, 'Becuase of England's changing weather, have you ever thought about putting a glass down over the top and then putting some air-conditioning? I think it could be nice. Maybe put down some cushion chairs on the floor so people down have to stand.....' And she kept going ON about it. THAT@S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!!!! The reason they BUILT the globe this way (after the first two went down) was to Preserve the way Shakespeare's plays and others were veiwed at the Globe. Poeple STAND in the stalls. Not Sit and there wasn't air-conditioning. Theatre-goers braved the heat and the rain because they wanted to see the play, not be comfortable and shit. I wanted to punch her. Fucking tourists(I know....I am one, but at least I appreciate the beauty and take it how it is. I'm not eating McDonalds every fucking day because I'm comfortable with it...I WANT to be local and try stuff and get aquainted to a new place, not complain about it and want to change shit to my standard of living.).
Okay Rant over. Here are some pictures of me and Ben and other pictures inside the globe:

(Ben Shakespeare: 'How art thou...mother fucker)

(Jenny Shakespeare: Oh for a Muse of Fire....A Kingdom for a Stage, Princes to Act and Monarchs to behold the swelling scene)

Shakespeare in manga form! SO COOL! I thought about buying one but nawwwww....
After The Globe we crossed the bridge again and went to go find food but we were stopped by a street performer. We weren't literally stopped by him, but he was interesting and funny so we stopped and watched his show. He was quite entertaining. He danced and made jokes and was pretty talented. He swallowed a whole balloon:

He swallowed a sword...and then juggled objects, while said sword was still in his mouth and he couldn't see WHAT he was juggling. But he did all of this on a wobbly ladder. It was amazing. And VERY enetrtaining...I gave him £5 cause I REALLY enjoyed his show..

And then I got a picture with him. Sam the psycho he called himself jokingly. He looked hot in those trousers too. :P

After seeing that little performance we went and found food. We ate at this...:

Pub. There were HUGE portions. Ben had a really big salad and I had a proper Jacket Potato. It was yummy but then I felt all fat and sluggish the rest of the day. That's when things started turning slightly bad, but not really bad.
We wandered over to St. Paul's Cathedral, which we couldn't go into because it was Sunday Worship. So Ben and I just took pictures outside the Cathedral:

Then after that we walked somewhere between about a half and 3/4 of a mile to get to Big Ben. We took pictures of Big Ben...the London eye from a distance and then a picture of those wankers' building:

(Big Ben Squishing 'Little' Big Ben)

On the walk down this way my back started acting up and it hurt for the rest of the day...welll, at least into I got back to the hotel and could crunch it. And then another bad thing that happened was right after I took this picture....my camera battery died. Which was sort of okay because there wasn't really anything I wanted to take pictures of cause we just walked to the nearest Underground and went back to the hotel.
When we got back to the hotel I was absolutely knackered. I kicked off my shoes, plugged in my camera battery to charge and took a short little nap while Ben looked at all his multi-internet networking sights.
After a while I had some cider....I looked at picture on my camera and started crying....Ben asked me what was wrong...and we ended up having a long talk about us. Most of it consisted of what a bad flirtaious girlfriend I am...and how we're going to live when I go home. Can long distance relationships work? I kept assuring him they can. And he told me he didn't want to get attatched to me. All and everything in that catagory of 'talks' and then some were discussed. Ben had a little breakdown and went out for a smoke. I got all emo and went out for a walk to the store...I sat on the window ledge and wrote poetry. He went on his laptop again. and by 10pm we were fine and cuddling in bed again, talking about TV shows we grew up on.
And that was pretty much the good and the bad of yesterday. It's 10:30am now and we're going out into London town to shop. Goodbye.
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