Friday, June 26, 2009


So yesterday I slept in til about noon....yeah, finally got up, got dressed and sat down to lunch at around 1pm with Ben. Ben kept making fun of me saying that he'd been in to town TWICE before I even got up. ....I was tiiiired :(

So anyways, I watched some TV and he mowed the lawns after lunch. Then we both sat down to watch some TV when DMAN rang Ben. DMAN and Issy were coming over.

When DMAN and Issy came over we got into DMAN's car, went to the grocery store for a bit(cause Ben's mum asked him to pick up for stuff for dinner that night) and then we went to some park. It was fun just chilling out with them. I like Issy--she's nice. For some reason I thought that meeting any of Ben's friends that are girls would be awkward because they already have their place among 'the guys' in the group....just like I have a place amongst the guys in my group of friends at home.

To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Issy was nice and talked to me. We laughed at the boys and how clueless they could be sometimes and generally it was alright. There were of course times where inside jokes came up where I don't really know what they're talking about so I just stay quite, smile and chuckle when something that sounds funny came up.

So, that's another friend down to meet...I think I've got about 4 more major ones to go.

We got home, watched some more TV, then Ben started grilling. It was a nice day so we had a barbecue and sat outside on the deck for dinner. It was bright and sunny, way too California. haha.

Then Ben took a shower and got ready to go out for a party whilest I talked to mum on AIM. ^^ ben's friend Kirsty was having a party for her birthday and Ben asked a few days ago if it would be alright for him to go out for a bit that night. I didn't know how long 'a bit' would be in his standards, but I figured it wouldn't be too long because he has work today(aka: the next morning). So I stayed up talking to mum for a few hours, watched some TV, chatted with some other peeps back home again until it became about 11:30pm.

Considering that Ben left at 7:30pm and the party started at 8pm and he probably wouldn't stay long or have drinks because he had to drive home and go to work....I started to worry a little. Not too much, just a little. Come around midnight I started thinking, 'oh shit, what if he drank and drove? no no no if he got too smashed he would sleep at someone's house...but what if he did only have the one drink and drove home and he or some idiot wrecked his car and there was a accident?' And the cycle continued. I sat up in bed until about 15 after and I became too tired to listen for a car to pull up and just fell asleep.

This morning I woke up at 6:30am because I forgot I left my window open(to listen for Ben's car) and a bird flew in. It scared me a bit cause I heard flapping noises and didn't know what it was until I opened my eyes and saw a bird flying around. It tried to fly back out but the window was cracked just a little, so it crashed into the window glass instead. I got up, opened the window FULL out and waited for about 10-15 minutes for the damn bird to get smart and fly out the window again (gentle coaxing it along at some points when it just clung still to the ceiling beams.
it FINALLY flew out, I shut the window and began to wonder if Ben ever made it home.

I went downstairs, out of the house and just peaked inside the garage where Ben normally parks his car--it was there. Sometime between 12:15am and about 7am he FINALLY got home safe and sound. With my mind at ease that he didn't crash the car and die...I wandered back inside and fell asleep for several more hours.

I woke up again at about noon this morning/afternoon but to a very nice surprise....RAIN. FINALLY some decent rain! It's chilled out by now, but it was nice to see full on rain pissing down and to hear the roar of thunder in the distance. *hopes for a storm*
Well, that's all my news for now. I think I might go for a walk in the rain.
More updates tomorrow,
-Jenny Mac

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