Anyways today we finally made it to Winter Wonderland carnival, it was absolutely breath taking. There were shops(I bought a zipper coin purse, a coin purse that completely unzips to one strand) and food stands....carnival rides(We went on a rollercoaster that was a cross between six flags' ninja and california adventure's mullholland drive) and skill games (James and I tried a ring toss and failed miserable). James lost his hat on the rollercoaster and noticed it halfway through the carnival, but luckily a worker at the ride picked it up when we went back to the ride to look for it.
This is a video James took of me. There were these spinning disks on the floor that really messed you up.
James, in the funhouse, walking on two boards that are moving in opposite directions.
This one is of James at the end of the funhouse. We walked through a mirror maze and it was extra trippy because the mirrors were the double sided ones so we could see OUT of the fun house, but it was hard to find the right path. I got out first so I took this picture of James making his way out.
THIS is the deathtrap that we went on and James lost his hat. I was scared to ride this because if you think about it...this is a temorary fairground, so this coaster was probably built in a day and not build permenantly to last. So.....I was afraid that a bolt would come out and I'd fall to my death. Luckily, no such thing happened. After wards James bought me(us) a keychain with our picture from the ride. Sorry I can't put it up here, the picture glares in the frame.
This is the zipper purse I bought. It's quite cute. James is unzipping it, playing with it in a pub.
After Winter Wonderland carnival James an I headed to the center of London to go to a pub near the river that I went to last year. We had lunch there and a pint before heading back to Ealing(where our hotel was and car was parked) to get in the car to leave for Ross On Wye.
(this is a picture we were sat by in the pub. It's a picture of London from late 1700, just before the Great Fire of London. That big bridge of buildings going across the Thames is the original London Bridge *squeals*)
......MOVING ON!
The Car ride was long I took a short nap and then argued with James about how awful the rules and guidelines on the motorway are. Seriously it's retarded; a car in one lane literally can't drive faster to pass another car without out getting a bollocking.
In any case we made it to Ross On Wye safely and where gladly meet by James's Mum and brother Sam. Evaluation on the family:
Alice (Jame's Mum): Alice is a riot she talks quite a lot, asks you plenty of time's if you want this or that. She's a bit over bearing at first because she's always embarassing James and always talking and always making sure if you want anything (potaetoes, a cup of tea, are you warm enough...those sorts of things), but I'm sure I'll warm up to her in time. She's interesting to listen to and talk with. I can't wait to see what the next seven weeks with her will do to me.
Sam(Brother): Ahhh what can I say about Sam. James made him out to be an attention seeking little brat. My first impression of him is that he's a typical 15 year old boy. Sam and I talked a bit. I asked him about school and what he was playing with on the computer (Games, Facebook and looking up gun controllers for the Wii on ebay) So far I think were getting along.
Tony(Brother): Tony's sick right now, so I can't really evaluate him just yet but from what I can tell he's a shy six year old boy. I made me sad though to see him sick because he reminded me of a sick coughing child from a Charles Dickens story. I wanted to be able to help him, ask him what he needs but he'll need some warming up before he trusts me or talks to me.
Harry(Brother): Harry I didn't talk to much. He was at work when I arrived but we saw him when he came home. I expected him to be this pipsqueak boy, but he looks a lot older then that. Didn't talked to him very much since James and I were already going to bed. I have a feeling he's going to be the difficult one to connect with.
Locke Gorman(Dog): Cutest little Lab Collie loves attention and craves it intensely I think I'm his new favourite person.
When I arrived, we got my luggage upstairs then Alice practically forced Champange on us. It was lovely to talk with her in the sitting room with James, and Sam on the computer near by.
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