Yesterday Ben and I went to Birmingham for the day. His mate Robert Vidler (aka Vid) goes to Uni up there so it was a 'go up there and shop and wander around until we find out if we can hang out with Vid' sort of thing.
Ben made pancakes for breakfast. He LOVES pancakes. I'm still surprised Ben can cook and clean up after himself and what not. Never let a boy who cooks and cleans get away, so I'm taking as many pictures of it while I can.

Then Ben drove us to Selly Oak, parked near Vid's old flat then walked to the train station and took a ride (only about 3 stops) into the city--Birmingham. Here's us on the short train ride:

The station (and partially the city) kind of reminded me of New York. The Station at Birmingham was REALLY big and had several lines that connected to it since it was a central station. Then there were long staircases going up to the surface level. And when the surface popped up we were in a large shopping mall area with tall buildings and loads of shops.
We went to a comic book shop. Two levels, comic books, action figures, DnD, Sci-fi novels, Anime, Manga, etc...loads of stuff. Seriously this place was geek heaven. And Russ and I were running around looking at everything. This is the place:

Really good stuff. Evidentally Ben's friend Rudd found it and took them there one time while they were in Brum.
We also went into a clothing shop where I took these pictures:

The one of Ben I took for Adam...inside joke/yeeeeeaaaah.....haha
We eventually got a text from Vid saying that he's in rehearsals all day and then has a play to do at night so he couldn't hang out. So Ben and I just wandered around, going from shop to shop and wandering around this HUGE place looking at things. I found some interesting bits and landscape and things to take pictures of.....

(Pretty looking Catherdral/building/church thing)

(It's a Mini Cooper Chia Pet!!!!!)

(Another building, and a huge courtyard type thing)

C' didn't REALLY think I wouldn't show up one of these days with a picture of me in a traditional British phone Box, did you?
After that it started PISSING down rain. It was REALLY heavy. You can't really tell in the picture of Ben, but you can definately tell with the close up picture of me:

After the rain and the cold, we wandered for a bit more, then I got a baguette sandwich, then we headed back to the train, rode back to Selly Oak, walked back to the car and drove home.
When we got home, we had dinner and then Ben made me watch his new Resident Evil movie(Degeneration, the animated one) which he bought while we were out. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
That's all for yesterday.
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