Morning all! ^^ I think what I might do from now on is type my blogs at the same time...morning, for me, so that whenever you decide to read this it'll be up the 'same day' as it were, seeing as US is about 8 ish hours behind British time.
Anyway, on to the facts:
My walk with the puppies was quite eventful. I got to explore some of the surrounding area and I took pictures of the different farm animals and trees and stuff that just facinated me. I'll put some of the landscaping photos and such up, but you can't even begin to imagine how breathe-takingly beautiful it is out here. Honestly, I wake up every morning, say "Good Morning Home Farm" :D and think to myself "I could get use to being a farm girl if this is what I have to wake up to every morning."
I actually could do some farm work though. There was a lady who came over from down the road that feeds the animals while the Russells are all at work (Ben, his mum, Brother and Dad work...only Catherine--his sister--goes to school). I walked and talked with her for a bit while she went and fed the lambs. She told me (cause I didn't know and asked) why Sheep have numbers like spray painted to their wool. It's to recognise which baby sheep belong to which mommy sheep. ^^ I didn't know that...and of course Ben wouldn't tell me. He absolutely HATES sheep. His dad made him go feed the baby sheep that needs to be bottle fed (when Ben got home from work) I went with him and he kept kicking other sheep to get away and cursing at them. It was quite funny. He likes the cows though--less noise makers. haha
I should probably mention now that the Russells have cows, sheep, a few horses, 7 Barn Cats(possibly more because one just had kittens, but no one has seen the kittens yet), 3 dogs, ducks/geese, rabbits, a guine pig...and I don't know what else. It definately is a farm though...lots of green, lots of animals, lots of equiptment.
oh! I'm putting this out here right now guys cause I noticed this on the last 2 blog entries--I'm SO sorry if there are typos. I'm working from Ben's Laptop, which has the uber sensitive keys which I hate and love at the same time. So If there are mistakes, I'm truely sorry, but my fingers type really fast and I can be bothered to go back and fix the typos. haha sorry. :P
Adam never showed up yesterday by the way. He's being a tit (pardon my british expression). Ben reckons that it's Chris who's made him be like this (say he'll come out to play and then lies his way out with a pathetic excuse) because Adam didn't start doing this until about a month ago when Chris and him got serious. Oh well...I'll just have to punch Adam until he stops lying and just says "I don't want to hang out today" instead. little bastard. humf!
So yesterday I was alone...took the muppets for a walk(actually several...three to be exact. I couldn't stop with the landscape picture taking. ^^), Ate something around 3ish. Ben's dad came home early and we had a nice little chat about this and that. Then I went into Ben's "Hang Out" room, watched Hot Fuzz and waited for him to get home. Once he got home, we had a nice bit of a cuddle for....ooooh 3 hours (haha), had dinner, and then watched TV and cuddled til about 1am. ^^ NOTE TO SELF: Don't watch British Comedy late at night. It keeps me up, but it's bad when I laugh loud and the household might be asleep. haha :P
Well I'll leave it at that. It's too much hassle putting halves of 2 days in one I'll leave it 'short' for now, and get you all caught up on what I do today, tomorrow. ^^
Ciao! Enjoy the pictures! There's lots of them today!
1 comment:
Well, I did try to explain that I was working until 4am the following day, had hardly any sleep, and I was a good 2 hours drive from You, otherwise I would have.
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