Ben drove the 3+ hours from London to the Shire...and made interesting road rage comments along the way. It was quite amusing, from the ones I could hear. I#ve noticed that the Russells are very quite people. I don't know if that's a 'them thing' a 'british' thing or a 'farmer' thing yet. haha But seriously they are very quite...maybe aside from Ben's brother, Richard. He was quite conversational at dinner yesterday, but we'll get on with that later.
After I posted my blog yesterday, Adam and I were texting via Ben's mobile and Adam decided he and Chris (Adam's boyfriend) were going to come and see me...(and Ben) :P They came round Ben's house about 7:45pm. Adam was almost speechless to see me...actaully he was most like excited to see me but stumbled to find words great enough to express it without sounding like an idiot...which he failed at and still sounded like the babbling Adam that he always is (well, half the time).
Anyway, we just chatted outside Adam's car for a bit, then they had to go and Ben and I went back inside. Oh! but while we were out there I was obsessed with the Barn kitties that were out and about...and I held the 2 that I saw (one with Ben's help cause the cat was up high ^^).
Dinner was interesting. First of all, they eat dinner around 8pm, which is different, but considering that the sun isn't down until about 9pm and Ben's dad and brother don't get home until about 7:30-8pm, it makes since. Anyway...
Mom, you know how I HATE anything you cook that leaves bones right? Well we had trout...FULL ON, Fish still in Scales, Trout. They just peel of the skin and scrap the meat off the bones like it's nothing. Me--I live in fear of choking on one of those little suckers we call fish bones. I took my time eating slowly chewing it all out. I felt ridiculous, but haha you know me mom, always the ridiculous over-analysising one.
Then on top of that, the family just chatted away about this and that and cars and deals and such...while I'm still to concentrated on my food and (on top of that) too shy in new situations to do anything but stay silent like an idiot. Well, i guess they could think worse of me--they cound see the brash, over confident, over enthusiastic and loud theatre type cali girl I REALLY am. haha sometimes I thank God I get shy around new people in new situations.
That's all about yesterday for now. Hopefully better experiences at dinner are to come.
I woke up this morning at 5am. You guys won't believe it, but I did...I was WIDE awake at 5am this morning (which makes since considering I went to bed at about 9pm last night). however I didn't get UP until about 8:15ish. I'm really weird about making everything slyly comfortable when I'm in a new setting. For instance, when I'm on a first date and I don't know if the guy is paying or if I am, I kind of linger behind him in the cue line for ordering food. If he orders then asks what I want (or at a sit down, if he grabs the check or say's "don't worry about it" when I casually say "how much do I owe you" when he's pulling out his credit card) then I know I'm in the clear and I haven't assumed anything or made anything awkward.
ANYWAY! so instead of waking up, and just standing around the kitchen saying to myself, 'is someone gonna feed me, or do I have to be rude and rummage myself?' I strategically wait until the last moment, when someone is up, but on their way out (hopefully Ben or his mum since I#m most comfortable around them) to be told "I've gotta go, but there's food here, contact us here, etc, etc, etc". So....I went back to sleep after thinking "holy crap, I'm actually here. hehe look how cute and provincial everything is", and waited.
I heard a few male voices and grunts getting up and leaving. I assumed that was Ben's Dad and Brother since it was about 5:15am--those early farm workers do get up early. Then fell back asleep for another few hours. Woke up officially at 8:15 and heard noise in the kitchen, so I went down stairs with some toiletries to the bathroom in the hall next to the kitchen. Ben's mum saw me, said hi. I did my business in the bathroom and came out then into the kitchen to find Ben's mum and sister in the kitchen putting last minute things together before heading out the door.
Ben's mum told me "sorry you're left to your own devises today" I told her it was okay, I understand they all have work "the refrigorator is there. Plates there. Cutlery there. Food in that direction somewhere. You might have to rummage a bit but go ahead" then they were gone. I knew i was going to have the house to myself but i never thought it'd feel so empty. in a way it's kind of nice that this happened on the 2nd day I'm here because 1) My tummy has been feeling rumbly today and 2) It gives me a chance to freely explore the house/year/area without it feeling awkward and being afraid of doing something wrong in front of the russells. This way I can poke around (not sneakily, but just curiously poking my head here and there) just to get aquainted with the place.
Ben left me a note on the table telling me to poke around for food, that he left his phone so I could call and get together with Adam, and leave his work phone in case anything happens. He wrote me a note and left me his phone...he's so adorable. Sometimes I wonder about his intentions--like I care loads about him, but he could care less about me or doesn't show it. cares, he just is a very hard face to read. He doesn't talk much. And when he does talk(and now I can see his facial expression) it's very hard to tell any deep emotional connections. But slowly I'm learning about him and I think he really does cherish the fact that he has an american sweetheart.
After seeing Ben's note I ate a banana, then hopped in the shower, got ready and here I am typing away on Ben's computer. Hmm....what else is there to say. Then again, it's only 11am here and I've got loads to say as it turns out *is looking at how much she's typed already*.
I'm going to take the 'muppets' (the 3 dogs) for a walk in a bit. Ben said something about that last I think I better follow through with that. Then later Adam's gonna text and come hang out. He's driving Chris to work currently.
I'm sure I'll write more as it comes, but I thought I'd give you the run down of my first day, waking up, getting ready and write about the fact that I'm COMPLETELY ALONE IN THIS HOUSE. And it's pretty big too. It's cool thought. It's got 2 main stairways and upstairs there are 2 bedrooms by each staircase then a third door on either side that both lead to the master bedroom (ben's parent's room). It's a cool configuration...especially (you'll be glad to know MUM and DA') for parental guidance. haha Ben's room and My temporary room are seperated by the Master Bedroom...although I'm not sure if the russells realize this master plan. I'm on the ride where the other room in Ben's Brother and Ben's and his sister's rooms are on the other side by the other staircase. *shrugs* oh well.
My temp room is really cool. It's got the old wood floors and beams and a little rickety window that is oh so quaint. And there's the veiw from the window too.
The one last thing I think I have to say before I take the dogs for a walk is this:
I'M IN BLOODY ENGLAND! haha no, that's apparent. what I was really going to say has an effect mostly on my mom.
Mom, you know how I was contemplating bringing my vegitarian cookbook? Well, I don't know if they've had it or bought it because you told them I was Vegan, but THE RUSSELLS HAVE THAT EXACT COOKBOOK. It was freaky. I found it on the counter this morning and was like, "Is that mine?" and I flipped through it and didn't see highlighted marks so I knew it wasn't mine.....but that was just freaky. And if they bought it just because of me, aw bless.
Well that's all (yeah, a whole novel's worth) for now. Gotta go walk the muppets!
Jenny mac
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