This is just a straight up rant, so if you don't live in the UK or don't know what's going on in the UK at the moment, then I'm sorry this will make little to no sense.
I'm shook.
Boris came on and I knew it wasn't going to be good, but it's still the same old wishy washy not making a clear decision Boris.
There is a 'loose' plan, but it's the equivalent of saying 'don't worry. it'll all be taken care of.'...What? WHAT BORIS will be 'taken care of'? I understand that all steps in this plan will be conditional but honestly, have a backbone.
The waffling for the first few minutes was unbelievable. It wasn't until he said 'From this Wednesday' that I thought, okay now we are getting somewhere, but still... not very clear. Also I don't think that all of what was laid out as 'potentially' happening in the next two months are entirely the right moves.
First of all, it's unfathomable that the country's borders haven't been locked down, just it's residents. If the UK would have shut it's borders like other countries then we might be up to the point where lock down can be eased, but the airports were never shut, were they? :( Also, it took a LONG time, relatively, for the UK to go into lock down in the first place, and even then the order was so wishy washy that people didn't take note. It took Boris going on the Telly and saying 'STAY [THE FUCK] AT HOME' and creating clear cut reasons to leave the home that are acceptable for anything to start to change.
Yes, the rate of infection is going down across the UK--great, that means that even with all the people still taking the piss that the whole stay at home initiative is working. THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE SHOULD STOP WHAT WE'VE BEEN DOING! The Bloody R is just going to go up again you Muppet.
Secondly, mapping out a loose plan with flow charts and graphs is all well and good to get a general idea of how the next few months could go, but it needed to be a lot clearer than that Bo Jo. Either that, or be LESS specific and just leave it at, every day or every week conditions will change and the nation would be immediately updated with new changes as they come. Don't set dates for things like certain school levels going back in June and not give full details on how the phased return will happen...whenever it does happen, if not June.
Third, some of the things said in tonight broadcast are just laughable. 1. Stay at home wherever possible (okay, that's fine. That's what people have been doing) but 2. People should be encouraged to go into work if they can't work from home...and he specifically mentioned factory and construction workers. He said that employers will be instructed to take measures to make sure social distancing will be active even in the workplace, but does he go into detail about how that's gonna happen? Hell no.
Will factory workers be provided necessary PPE? What safety measures will you mandate of people going back to work to ensure they are properly social distancing while in the workplace? What about those who are reliant on public transportation to get to work, how will that work when you also say 'avoid public transport if at all possible'? What about those who are not factory workers, or construction workers, and are unable to work at home? There are probably hundreds of thousands of hospitality workers who are unable to return to work because public gathering establishments like Pubs, Cinemas, Arenas, etc are unable to operate. What about them? Will you still be paying compensation to those who are unable to work safely?
There are so many unanswered questions after the information the British people have been presented. And what's worse, is that with some of the lockdown adjustments, people are just going to take the piss more and be more careless. For instance, the whole thing about encouraging more daily exercise outside the home --great. I'm ASSUMING that's only with people of your household, cause you never said so Boris. Also, encouraging people to go out and sit on public benches for fresh air sounds okay, but what happens when a person who might have COVID without realizing it coughs on a bench, then a child later climbs on the bench getting their hands dirty with the virus and later sticks their dirty fingers in their mouth, as kids do? It's just...not the right thing to encourage on a public broadcast to some people without common sense.
I know that it was mentioned that anyone breaking lockdown rules will be fined some circumstances. FS, really? You say something, and then go back on it immediately. Basically you're saying that authorities have the power to fine people more money...but they won't necessarily. well that's better. *heavy sarcasm*
Also, something that a friend of mine commented (and she's totally right), is that Boris made light of all the deaths by saying "It is a fact...we prevented this country from being engulfed in what could have been a catastrophe". Okay, so the 30,000+ people who have already died is not enough of a catastrophe? You briefly mention how bad the death toll is, but quickly go into how brilliantly lockdown has done. Way to mansplain it Boris. Way to belittle the lives of the dead and the people they left behind. Do you not think that the people who have lost their loved ones to Coronavirus, who have just heard you say that are FUMING because to them the loss of their loved one IS the most tragic thing right now and you just slapped that in their face by glossing over it in a sentence.
Overall, it was a stupid address and the nation is going to be more confused about lockdown measures than they were before. Not saying I wish it, but maybe if Boris had kicked the bucket in hospital when HE contracted COVID19, people would have to take this disease seriously.
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