Monday, January 24, 2011

this internet thing is starting to annoy me, blog = n/a. INternet was down again. Luckily I could skype with my mum and dad, but the internet browser wasn't working. So...double blog again.

Yesterday, not much to it: had a melt down about wedding stuff, money, missing family, not wating to go home yet, etc. Mixed emotions, very confusing....I got over it. Then James and I talked to my parents on skype last night.

Today!: Woke up early cause James had to go into work to do the pipe cleaning. He let me help. It was fun. Here's pictures:

After that, we wandered around town, then went home, had some breakfast and went out for a walk. We saw pregnant sheeps. And Horsey-personages. And alot of good views. Pictures:


The view of the Dam from the road.

The Dam Barn from a distance.

After our walk we chilled out, then had to pick Tony up from school, then back to the house to chill for a while. Long story short, Harry pissed me off, I went for a walk down to the shop-down-the-hill to blow off some steam...I was out walking for an got dark....people got worried....James lectured me when I got home. I felt bad and angry-hormonal, then James left me to go make dinner, so I blasted music and started cleaning/packing/organizing my things. Ate dinner later....then went back into our room to chill cause James wanted to watch Tv--Chelsea, his team, was playing.

good day, turned major melt down mode. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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