Friday, January 14, 2011

Back home at the Dam Barn

Short blog, I'm extremely tired. Bare in mind that last night James and I didn't get in and to sleep until after 1am because we were out with his cousins.

5:30am--Wake up, get ready
6am--leave for port(2 hour drive, and we have to be there by 8 to check in)

*It was REALLY hard trying to stay awake so that I could keep James awake. And it didn't help that we couldn't stop to get coffee cause we were in a race against the clock to get to port before check in closed.

8am ish--check in, drive on to boat.
8:30am--eat a full breakfast on the boat
9am--naptime and ship sailed.

I slept most of the 3 and 1/2 hour sail time, with a little tossing and turning on the couches where James and I set up camp. James slept for about 2 hours then woke me up when we came into port.

12:30pm--got into car, started driving for home (a 3 hour drive)
2:30pm--stopped off at a 'rest stop' to get coffee and snacks.
4:30pm--finally home
5pm--ate food, talked, unpacked
6pm-- time for James and I to catch up on sleep.

Thank you and goodnight.

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