Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Return of the Blogger


Well now.....I realize it's been a hot minute since I last blogged on here (nearly 3 years to be exact--Yikes!) with the last post being about life after getting into a RTC and breaking my arm.

and YES I know that I do this. I start something like blogging, life gets in the way and I leave it for a chunk of time, then miraculously get inspiration to write again after 3 or 4 years and go back to it. *sigh*

So get strapped in for another catch up on life, a few whirlwind posts, then prepare to be ghosted while I go on hiatus for another 3 years. Cool? Cool.😂

So, what has been happening in the last 3 years you say? I'll give you highlights version of the good, the bad, and the weird with pictures! Cause pictures make blogs more fun.

Multiple Comic Cons: Sept 2017/Nov 2017/March 2018/April 2018/May 2019...

October 2017: Went back home to visit my familia

November 2017: Bleached my hair until it turned white for a cosplay (Gender Bent Quicksilver from Days of Future Past).

 December 2017: SNOOOOOOOW... and legit being stuck working at home

February 2018: Another friend (Nicolette) visiting the ex-pat (me)

June 2018: University Charity Challenge.....(Night Hike, Canoe, and Archery for me.)
& The Last Family Vacation (Virginia)

August 2018: Canal Boat Holiday

& New Wheels

September 2018: Winning my first Pole Competition

October 2018: The shortest trip back home to California (only a week) and The last time I saw my dad

December 2018: Back in LA for dad's funeral, and staying for Christmas.

February 2019: The last performance
 I've done (Burlesque show)

July 2019: Buying our first home

September/October/November/December 2019: Mom visiting pregnant me!

October 2019: Giving Birth to Henry Scott Vidler 

November 2019: Wrote a book on Motherhood/Giving Birth & my experiences of it for NANOWRIMO-NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth

December 2019: My son's 1st Christmas. 

2020: Pandemic Central. Plans Cancelled, Lock-down commenced. But more rantings on that later.

Most of this is already shared on my social media via Instagram or Facebook, but I thought I'd do a highlights reel before I get back to writing the meaty stuff. Social Media is for funny memes and quick sharing, whereas maintaining a blog lets me delve deeper into my thoughts behind stuff that can be expressed in MORE THAN 150 characters.

For that reason, I do think that I should continue my writing, especially seeing as how I've got more time being on Maternity and not being able to leave the house due to government regulations surrounding the current state of the world *sigh*

So that's all for now, but be on the look out for: 

Life Updates

Funny Anecdotes

Rantings of a very passionate speaker

Drabbles from a bored Writer

Tales of Motherhood 

And More!

Until Then...This is Jenny, signing off. x

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