Quite a few years ago I made this logo for a different enterprise of mine--Cali Cat Cupcakes. I held a market stall for a little while selling american baked goods.especially my famous (or rather mum's famous) buttercream icing cupcakes. Sadly, that venture died a horrible lonely death ( small town → people unwilling to try anything new → perishable items → loss of revenue → not worth it in the end), but I;m resurrecting my logo for Cali Cat Creations. I thought I'd include all of my craft ventures, not just the crochet stuff, but I'm thinking that crochet might by my specialty-what I'd sell most.
I've only been doing crochet less than a year, but when my mom was here she said that I picked it up real fast. She was rather impressed with how well I adapted from being frustrated to then going on and wanting to crochet more and more and eventually modify patterns to suit what I wanted! She told me that back in the day when she used to teach workshops at a craft store in town, it was SUPER hard to teach people crochet. Either they had a knack for it, or they didn't and it was frustrating to teach someone how to 'find their rhythm' with holding the hook when crocheting.

So why Instagram? I looked at places like Redbubble and Etsy, but they all ask for a cut of the money. Etsy wanted a renewable listing fee each month AND a percentage of the sale.
So....if I put something up and it didn't sell, I'd have to keep paying to keep it visible online for someone TO buy. Since I'm an occasional crafter and I'm not doing this as a full time job, I wasn't going to bother with those type of sites. Instead I'm happy to sell things through Instagram to family, friends, and by word of mouth.
I've already received a few commissions and it looks like more are coming in, so I have my work cut out for me! But at least its something I can do that I enjoy. Maybe I'm on my way to finding out that this is my Ikigai.

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