"Now here's a little story, I've got to tell... about three bad brothers you know so well."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere
So, I grew up with three older brothers and there are many a story to tell, but I thought I'd introduce my readers to my brothers in a few sentences.
This is Steven:

Anyway, I digress.... Steven, when I was a kid, was the one I looked up to the most. We had the most in common...sort of. I ended up liking a lot of things that he liked. He would listen to certain bands (Aquabats, Vertical Horizon, REM, etc) and I would listen with him and started liking what I was hearing... so I guess I developed a bit of his music taste. He was also the nicest one to babysit me--like the one time we carved pumpkins on Halloween while listening to Smashing Pumpkins. :) He was the one who introduced me to weird unusual nerd things like Homestarrunner.com , Napoleon Dynamite, and The Vlogbrothers.
This is Greg:
He is slightly more than a year older than Steven(ive been told by my muk 15 & a half months), the middle of the three boys. Greg is married with 3 kids and since he had his first little one, he was winning in the 'favourite family' category. Between him and his wife, they are the medical professionals in the family and they have the whole tough but fair love parenting style down, which is something I use as an example in my parenting style.

This is Jason:
He's the eldest boy and eldest child of the family-It's weird to think he's passed forty now. He has a wonderful wife and 1 son. Growing up he was my least favorite brother. He would drag me across the floor giving me carpet burn when he babysat me because I refused to go to bed (fair).....so at the time I resented him. Everything suddenly changed when we went on a Cruise with my family & my brothers wives in 2010.

Jason had moved out when I was quite young; he was a bit of a rebel with his smoking and gothy-ness and disobeying of mom and dads house rules. He left home and moved out to the east coast with some friends and ended up making a life for himself out there. It turns out he's the only other one in my family who drinks (alcohol), and one of our ports of call on this cruise was in Canada where the drinking age was 19, which meant I was legal at the time. So, Jason and I ditched the family, and went for a drink together in an irish pub, next to a celtic shop that we saw in town. We caught up on nearly a decade of each other's lives and it turns out... we're not that different and we get along quite well. BONUS: His son might also be my favourite nephew and favorite little besides my own son.
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