From Friday until Tuesday our small flat was a crowded hostel of friends: Chris, Ben, and Krystyne. It’s a good thing we got the queen size air bed.
Friday 17th: Night Out #1
We went out drinking, then got a take-away (“take-out”) meal from one of our local shops called Pan Pizza, which is where the last photo was taken.
Saturday 18th: We ended up going over to Alice’s and raiding her refrigerator and making ourselves a MASSIVE full English Breakfast, then spent the day wandering around Gloucester(including to the Cathedral where part of Harry Potter was filmed) until Robert had to go to work at 6pm.
While Rob was at work Chris, Krystyne, Ben and I went Geocaching. ((Geocaching is a phenomenon that’s been going on for years and I had NO idea it existed until Krystyne introduced us to it. Basically, using a website that catalogues all geocaches and a mobile GPS device you locate ‘hidden treasures’ that have been hidden all over the world. SO COOL. Look it up))
After Geocaching, we stopped in at the Kings Head for a pint and to visit Rob while he was working.
Sunday 19th: Rob had to get up early to go to work, but the gang slept in and then we went shopping for EPIC MEAL TIME. Sunday was Chris’s 22nd Birthday and he wanted a cake shaped like an engine. So we shopped for things that could build an edible engine and put it together.
Engine Cake Baked and Constructed.
The Car Guys figuring out ‘what goes where’ on the engine cake.
The Finished Product…The Engine Cake, which looks more like a face than anything else. :P
The NORTON V6 Engine.
The Magic Engine Cake Oil….Maple Syrup.
Besides the EPIC BIRTHDAY ENGINE CAKE…we went out to the pubs, yet again for Chris’ Birthday.
(Cue "How I Met Your Mother" Theme Song)
Monday 20th: Ben had to take Chris back to University(Cardiff), then turned right back around and came back to Ross to hang out some more.
I had MEGA errands to run and the house to clean up after having 5 people living in a 1-2person flat for 3 days, and the hubby was yet again at work, so I convinced Ben to take Krystyne to her first Castle. She ended up liking it, even though she swears she hates Castles. LOL Then we watched a show called Skins and went to sleep. The End.
Tuesday 21st: Robert was yet again had to get up early to go to work. Ben headed home midday, after I cooked him a bacon sandwich. Then Krystyne and I watched the Pancake Races on the Ross high street because it’s PANCAKE TUESDAY! People over here celebrate Pancake Tuesday, the Tuesday that Lent starts. Go figure. Anyway!
Then when Robert came home, we went to Alice’s and I made pancakes for dinner…which was strange for the Vidlers because they only have Pancakes as a breakfast or dessert. They’ve never done Breakfast for dinner and it was an odd thing for me and Krystyne to witness.
Wednesday 22nd: We went to Hereford and browsed around the market as well as Rob and I picking up last minute supplies for our Paris trip. AT the Market we saw an American Food stall that has imported goods from American that we don’t have over here including Specialty M&Ms, Lucky Charms, and Root Beer.
Then we went to Café Moka for lunch, browsed some more, found another Geocach on our way back to town before Rob had to go into work in the evening.
Thursday 23rd: Robert worked. Krystyne and I wandered around town. I got my hair cut in anticipation of my birthday. It's SOOOOOO nice to have it "California Short" again.
Then the whole Vidler clan (plus Taub) had a meal at the Kings Head. Even father-in-law James sat down and ate with us…and basically told me his life story/job history, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I love when he puts the business part aside and talks candidly about his life; helps me get to know my father in law more.
Friday 24th: Yesterday was my birthday, so in California fashion….we went for Sushi. I wanted sushi and the only decent place was in Birmingham which is about an hour and a half drive. It was sooooooo worth it. Along for the ride were Robert, Krystyne, Ben and Chris (who has now been converted to loving the sushi bar).
Then we came back to Ross on Wye and had a traditional Birthday Pub Crawl, with the 5 of us, followed by a few other friends.
And as of 4am this morning, Chris and Ben took Krystyne to Heathrow. It’s been a crazy few weeks, but we’re on for our next adventure….Disneyland Paris. Bring it on.
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